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Gotta say they are alot of fun! I have a couple myself, (AK74, and a G3) and I used to play airsoft pretty frequently in my or other friends backyards.....they are a ton of fun!

Yeah, I really have fun with my airsoft weapons. Many a pop can, plastic bottle, brother-in-law and many other assorted items have given their lives for my tomfoolery!

I currently own a M4, M249, UMP, M14 and a 1911. The first three are electric while the last two are gas operated (propane). I also have the Auto-9 Robocop pistol and a Colt Army single action not pictured.

So much little time...........

Matt, one more off topic if you don't mind, delete if you do -
In my day, no airsoft, we kids used BB guns, face was off limits. My mom and dad wouldn't but me my Red Ryder (shoot your eye out kid) so i made a sling-shot with inner-tubes. in our local arms race they shot BBs at me and I shot back with dad's roofing nails. i have no idea how we survived
Here's a couple of older models I've just got to dust. Both are 1/72 scale. Curtiss XP-35 Ascender and Mcdonnel XP-67 Moonbat. The XP-35 is. I think, an MPM kit and the Xp-67 is an old Czechmastters resin kit.


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OK, I'm new to this so please any comments are welcome. one of my favorite Vietnam planes, Call sign: Spookey or Puff the Magic Dragon. Three 7.62mm Gattling Guns mounted in the cargo bay, 6000 rounds/ min, 20,000 rounds, 50 flares and the ability to orbit for hours


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I finished this ages ago, but haven't taken any photos til now - probably because when I finished it, I was fed up of it and thought it had come out really bad. I succumbed to extreme 'tinker-itis' about halfway through painting, and painted and re-painted the borders between the Sky and Grey areas at least half a dozen times, so up close the finish is pretty crap! Anyway, now it has been banished to the back of the shelf for six weeks, I am finding it doesn't look so bad after all!

Anyway, Airfix 1/72 Sea Fury, finished as WJ232, in which Cdr Peter Carmichael of 802 NAS (HMS Ocean) scored his MiG kill...

Let try a few more, please critique, more of my Vietnam collection
1. one of the first jet fighters in vietnam the F-104, wings so sharp they had covers, did not do very well in the air war
2. the F-105G Wild Weasel, big, tough plane used against NVA SAM sites
3. The Mig spare parts producer the F4 Phantom. My #3 favorite. they'd come in 50ft or so above the deck damn near suck you off the ground


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Nice models Mike. I notice a distinct difference between the panel lines of the Thunderchief and the rest of the models which have very pronounced panel lines. Like Terry, my first thought was die-cast but the F-105 looks like a plastic kit.

They're all nicely finished. Can you give a few details of these?
I'm sure they are all die-cast metal apart from the F-105. Quite good to see the comparison; they all look good but the F-105 looks particularly fine.
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