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Otftch. He's my 1/72nd hero. Lord I wish I had his collection, house and wife. May all three be blessed.

Ed - Tell me where I can send $$ to support your legacy.
As promised pics of the latest project a quick fix build while I suss out how I am going to get a decent result spraying the fine white squiggles onto the 1/48 airfix Bf109F4 black 4
of JG 5.
A 1/72 Heller Bf109 F4 white 6 of III JG54 Finland 1942
The kit was a bit clunky in palces but after sanding off the worst of the rivets and smoothing out the seams and flash it didn't turn out too bad, Just a pain that the two tone green RLM 70 80 does'nt contrast enough.

Magnu, Nice looking but with just photos it is had to tell any difference in the two greens
Don't know what airbrush you use but my Aztec has several different nozzles. the Red produces a spray 1/64 inch wide
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I'd have probably cheated and added some black or white to lighten or darken one of them. But then I an not a stickler for total accuracy.
It's still a very nice looking plane

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