RCAF Starfighter, 1/48th scale - Part Two

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Thanks Wayne and Wojtek.
After about 18 hours, those cloudy areas are still visible, so it means I have to either a) strip the matt clear in the affected areas and re-coat; b) apply a gloss coat and then another matt coat to the affected areas, or c) re-paint and apply a matt coat to the affected areas.
The top-side bits are no big deal, and I'll probably re-touch then re-varnish, but the under-side of the wings might need to have the matt coat removed, and then re-done. Either way, I should have this rectified in the next day or two, and meanwhile I'll continue with the preparation and painting of the landing gear and other areas.
More when there's something to show.
Hi Airframes,
I threw away my Esci 104 years ago. Better I would retained it seeing your marvelous work on it. "Phoenix from the ashes"!

Well in Germany the bird was called "Flying coffin", "Widowmaker" or "Supersonic plough". There were romours that farmers only had to wait for a while getting their fiels ploughed by it. We lost more than 250 of them. Many young widows!
A shock after the superb Sabre Six which was such a pilot's aircraft. "Bubi Hartman" left the "Bundesluftwaffe" because of this bird. His favorite was The "Hun" or the "Mirage"!
Thanks Hugh and Michael, and yes, the '104 certainly got a bad name in German service, especially in the early days, although many of the losses were attributed to the 'perils' of their operational role, and overall, the percentage loss rate, although looking drastically high, was not that much more than other types in service at the time.
And thank you for the kind words regarding the model - I think I could have done better, but as I set out just to make a representation of '771' in Danish service, I'm fairly happy so far.
Terry, a friend of mine who used to service CF-104s in Germany sent me a link to an excellent Starfighter Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/236405679823718/photos/ though I suspect that, like me, you don't have an FB account. I access it through my daughter's account (that's what she gets for using my laptop) so am able to see it. Some nice pics of Danish birds there that I can post here if your wish.
Thanks very much chaps !
Thanks for the link Andy - I accessed the page, but only saw a couple of Danish birds, in the gloss finish. But there were some useful detail shots for the RCAF model.

I've re-painted the affected areas, and it's now looking much better. Just working out the best sequence to follow next, and will probably detail the gun bay, before moving on to the landing gear etc. More pics soon.
A quick up-date, showing the corrected paintwork, and what's required next.

PICS 1 to 3 show the re-touching and, where necessary, the new clear matt coat, making it look much better than before.
I wasn't bothered about displaying the gun bay open, but as the hatch cover was less than a perfect fit in the closed position, and with an otherwise bland exterior, I decided that a bit of contrast wouldn't do any harm, so the bay will be open, and some detail added. As this could be an awkward exercise once the undercart, doors etc have been fitted, the work will be carried out next.
PIC 4 shows the 'Vulcan' gun and the (inside of the) hatch cover as supplied in the ESCI kit.
PIC 5. Shows the gun temporarily clipped in place inside the bay.
The gun itself is a reasonably accurate representation, but will have some 'extras' added, and if possible the ammo feed will be improved too; the kit part has what appears to be the canvas cover over the feed chute and breech feed tray, but I'd prefer to show the flexible ammo feed chute if possible. The bay itself is again fairly accurate in layout, but some plumbing, wiring and other bits will be added and, with the bay painted white, this should provide a neat contrast to the dull green overall.
The inside of the hatch covers are quite well done for the time, but aren't totally accurate, and will have the framework corrected, and the ejector pin marks removed, before being separated into two separate hatch covers, painted white, and attached in the open position, with the support ram in place, near the end of the build.
Note that some panel lines, lost during the re-touching, have yet to be added to the forward fuselage, and the AoA probe will be added, along with a couple of other small antennae, at this time too.


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Marvelous work Terry, and you're right, the Danish Starfighter pics are mostly glossy ones though I liked this one:

Thanks Andy, and a great pic. That's 'Stage 2' of the first matt green cammo, when the radomes were painted too. Having now seen this, I'm happy with the finish I've achieved so far - just as long as I don't b@lls it up with the remaining work !
Thanks awfully old chap - do have a sherry, what!
I've started planning the work for the gun and gun bay, and have made a start, but whether I'll get anymore done before Sunday is doubtful. I have an early start tomorrow, with a three hour journey up to the North Yorkshire coast, to collect the camper van, and another three hours driving it back, so I'll be ready for a pint by the time I get back, and will be joining Mick in the village club tomorrow night!
But, as soon as I have something worth showing, I'll post more pics.
Yeah, I'd thought of that mate. Could maybe have met at Elvington for a few hours. But, rather than risk things 'first time out', it's probably better to get the van home first. I've got roadside, breakdown assistance, and full recovery with my insurance, but that doesn't come into force until 24 hours after the insurance is activated - guess there's been too many cases of people taking it out, then having a vehicle recovered to save costs !
So, I'll feel happier getting he vehicle home first, and if anything does happen, well at least I can kip in it until next day, then get recovered !
Should be OK though, as it apparently runs sweet, has had all the small jobs that needed doing, done for the MoT, and a full 12 months MoT.

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