RCAF Starfighter, 1/48th scale - Part Two

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Thanks very much chaps. No further progress to show, as I've been laid up for the last two days, due to massive 'flare-up of the arthritis. Might get some more done tonight, with luck !
Airframes I hope you don't mind me posting this on your page. Here is my Royal Danish F-104 i built a a while back :)


Cheers Brian
Thanks very much for the kind words chaps - got a few more decals on, but not much to show yet. The tiny, individual serial numbers on the fin were a royal pain to position. They were so small, that trying to break the surface tension of even the tiniest drop of water, ended in a tail chase of each digit around the fin, until finally settling in one place long enough to squeegee in to place - 5 digits per side (12771) took around 45 minutes per side !
Great looking model Brian !
That's colour scheme number 3 for RDAF '104's. The first was the light grey and bare metal, followed by the initial matt green scheme as on my model, with the dark grey/green anti-glare panel and light green/grey radome, then your example, and finally the overall gloss green. The last two should have the dielectric panel behind the cockpit in a faded version of the grey green shown on my model, which looked more grey by then.
I deliberated for some time (and by heck it was painful!) on whether to do mine in scheme 2, 3, or the easy way out, the final gloss scheme, before deciding on the first version of the green, just to have some contrast and variation.
Got to nip out for an hour or so, but might get some more done, and some pics up, either later tonight, or some time tomorrow.
Thanks again for the interest and encouragement, and I'll be back soon !
Thanks Karl and Geo. And I agree, seeing a Starfighter in model form, it looks like a very large, long, thin missile, which shouldn't be able to fly unless air launched. But put it next to a model of, say, a Hunter, or see a real one, and it's no bigger overall, in fact, especially by today's standards of large war planes, it's fairly small.
I managed to get the rest of the decals on last night, and re-painted the anti-glare panel, as I wasn't happy with either the shade of dark grey green, which looked too close to black, or with the shape/dimensions, which looked too narrow on one side, and 'up-turned'. I was hoping to get the first clear matt coat sprayed today, but so far, I've been too distracted with severe pain in the knees, legs and ankles, and can hardly stand, with walking and movement being severely restricted and extremely painful.
Maybe after dinner, some pain-killers, and a large mug of coffee-flavoured whisky, I might be able to get something done .......... and I'll have to postpone my dinner date tomorrow night too, as a result of this.
But the good news is, that'll save me quite a few quid, which can go towards my camper van purchase ! (hope the lady in question doesn't see this !!!).
Got the first coat of clear matt sprayed, and some 'tidying up' done on the patchy look of the paintwork. The clear matt was mixed using Humbrol gloss Clear, with Tamiya Flat Base added, as I used to do with 'Future/Klear', but judging from the way it's dried, as a semi-matt finish, it's eveident that much more of the FB is required, compared to the mix using Future.
I've now made up a new mix, and done a quick test on the landing gear covers, applied by brush, and it seems to be drying more the way I want it to look. Bit too tired and stiff to spray tonight, so hopefully I'll get it done tomorrow, which also allows more time for the re-touched areas to fully dry. testing will be done first, of course, to ensure the clear coat doesn't dry with a white, chalky appearance.
And the good news is, I've finally locate and agreed on the purchase of a compact camper van - pick it up sometime next week - so no more struggling with wet tents at air shows !
Thanks Luis !
I'll be spraying the model again later today, and hopefully removing the masking and adding the detail highlights to the exhaust, and some other areas. Given I get it done OK, I'll post some pics later.
Just about to start - seem to have wasted a lot of this weekend, either getting other things done, or sleeping !
Pics later, all being well.
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OK - all decals on, and the model has been sprayed with the clear matt, mixed from Humbrol Clear and Tamiya Flat Base, and the masking has been removed.
Having already made and sprayed a mix of the above, I wasn't satisfied with the result, which dried semi-matt, and it was evident that the Humbrol Clear required the addition of more of the FB, compared to similar mixes I'd got used to making from Johnson's Future and FB.
So some more FB was added to the remainder of the previous mix, and applied with the airbrush running at about 12-15 psi, to allow for an even coverage and reduce the possibility of a grainy, or pitted finish.
I think I must have been right on the limit of addition for the FB, as some small areas which had a heavier application have dried with a grey or slightly chalky appearance, which can be seen in the photos, on the port wing and intake, and in a couple of small areas along the top of the fuselage. The underside of the main wings (which I forgot to photograph!) were more badly affected, exhibiting a definite grey 'ghosting', and this might be due to being sprayed directly onto the gloss paint, in two coats, with only a few minutes between coats
However, this, and the areas mentioned above, might disappear once the model has been left to dry for 24 hours or more and, if not, then it's a relatively easy fix - a quick, thin, application of gloss to the affected areas, followed, when fully dry, by another coat of the matt clear, perhaps reducing the amount of Flat Base.

PICS 1 to 3. General overall view of how the model looks so far. Some of the small fuselage access panels and other areas need a bit of re-touching, which will be done once the clear coat has been sorted.
PIC 4. Some re-touching of the anti-glare panel is required, and also around some slight silvering which appeared under the code letters after the matt clear was applied. A small 'lump' on the canopy frame also needs to be removed, and the canopy polished to remove adhesive residue from the masking tape.
PIC 5. A minor disaster was averted on the starboard nose. The canopy latching instructions decal 'grabbed' as it was placed in position and, when trying to release it, using a wet paint brush, one corner folded under and would not straighten out. Fortunately, the decal sheet included a similar decal, with an additional stencil box, for use with the two-seat version, so this was adapted by cutting off the unwanted stencils, the ruined decal removed, and the replacement positioned without incident.
PIC 6. A general view of the cockpit area, showing the interior, the cobbled-together seat, spot-lamp, and the windscreen and rear glazing frames blended into the fuselage. A thin, light yellowish-grey sealing strip has yet to be added to the base of the 'Perspex' where it meets the lower frames, and this will be painted once I'm certain the clear coat has fully cured.

Next step is to detail the gun bay and hatch cover, before moving on to some minor detail work on the landing gear, painting this (the same colour as the airframe), and then fitting the gear and bay covers.
More just as soon as I have something to show.


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