RCAF Starfighter, 1/48th scale - Part Two

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Fantastic work on that seat Terry. All that sanding and filling reminds me of my F-102. Must get back to that sometime
Thanks chaps. The filling and sanding was fairly simple - just a dab of 'Milliput', moulded and smoothed over with a wet finger tip, then lightly sanded when set.
Not got much more to show as yet, but might have some pics either later, or by tomorrow.

Jan, the Hasegawa 1/32nd scale Starfighter isn't bad - exceptional in its day. Raised panel lines, but very fine and easily re-engraved, some basic but fairly good internal detail, including the Vulcan gun, and a full engine and radar, with removable tail and nose cone. The latter are not really my cup of tea/coffee/T-Stoff, but I think the tail could be made removable without showing a nasty joint line if brass pins were used to aid location.
One point I'm not that keen on is the seat - the seat pan is moulded as part of the cockpit floor - but it's not a major problem, just makes things awkward for detailing.
The decals are 'so so', being for a German Marineflieger or JASDF version in my kit, with a small Danish (National markings only) sheet in my box too, although other versions were issued with various releases, but bear in mind the age of this release and therefore the quality of the decals. I bought a set of Dutch Air Force decals from ... er... 'Dutch Decals' for mine, which looks very good indeed.
Almost ready for paint !
Before fitting the wing-tip tanks, small indentations were countersunk into the side of each tank, to represent the pressure and drain valves, and the joint seams eliminated - but I forgot to photograph these !!
Some pylons for the 'Sidewinders' were adapted from the kit parts and fitted to the underside, and the rails and missiles will be fitted after painting the model. The pylons aren't quite 100% accurate but, being under the fuselage, they'll pass cursory inspection, once the rails and missiles are in place.
The gun bay cover has been loosely tacked in place, in order to mask the bay itself, and will be removed, and internal detail added to the cover and bay, once the model is painted.
The model was then given a coat of light grey primer overall and, once fully dry, the first coat of green will be sprayed, perhaps tomorrow.
Thanks again for the interest, and I'll post more pics - hopefully with the RCAF bird too - very soon.


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Thanks Geo and Wojtek, much appreciated.
I didn't get any spraying done today - too darned stiff. Hope to get stuck in tomorrow.
Thanks my friend. I think the cold got into my whole body today - there was a really icy, strong wind blowing, with sleet and snow. Felt like being in Siberia !
I decided to make life easier when it comes to spraying the green overall, by brush-painting a base coat of the green on the underside of the wings, and the tip tanks. This was so that, when dry, I could balance the model on the wings when spraying the fuselage and upper wing surfaces, and also to provide a good 'key' for the sprayed paint around the tanks, which are awkward to access with the airbrush.
I'm not happy with the result, using the Xtracolor gloss - it was very thin, like over-thinned artist's oils, even when fully stirred for quite some time, and would not go on without leaving brush strokes in a translucent finish !
This is very unusual for Xtracolor, as it normally brushes very well indeed, so I'm really hoping that it performs better when sprayed.
Can't post any pics at the moment, as the model is under cover whilst drying, to prevent dust being attracted to the gloss paint.
C'mon Terry.. feeling like being in Siberia ??? The part of the Russia is like the cryogenic chamber. It is a great place for the cryotherapy. There is no way to survive for any viruses or bacterias. About the arthritis I don't mention at all. Unless you are a mosquito. :lol: The Winter here in Europe is a piece of cake, comparing to the Siberian one.

Anyway stay warm Pal. :D
Yeah, I know, but yesterday it was bl**dy cold in that wind!
I was wearing a very warm ski jacket, woolen jumper and thick shirt, thick trousers, gloves, hat, and with the jacket hood up, and the wind still cut through me!
But then, I was sitting on my little mobility scooter (max speed 4 mph normally - in the headwind 1 mph backwards!), so not generating much body heat by movement. And that snow and sleet was wet and cold too !

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