Schilling's Bf109G6/R4 of 9./Jg54 Gruppe Build

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
I have a Starfix 1/48 scale Bf109G that is not of the highest quality.

I decided on this as it would fall into the time period (Defense of the Reich) and I haven't been able to go hunting for a comparable kit.

The kit will present a number of challenges because like I said, it is not of the best quality, so I'll have to do some mods such as adding a cannon port in the spinner, etc.

Another issue with the kit is the decals. I didn't waste my time scanning them, since they are useless. So I'll have to see about getting some suitable decals once I've decided on the overall scheme.

Going to do a little research and figure out a theme for this crate, as soon as I'm done posting this.

I think I'm insane for starting this right now, but that's a different matter entirely...

But at least I'm attempting

And for the judges: I'm not sure which category would include my skill level "sucks so bad, it leaves a vacuum", but that's one I should be in...


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Perhaps, Wurger!

So I have my work cut out for me, that's for sure.

I'm still looking through some archives, trying to find a theme, and I just discovered that this kit is a G6.

And for those wondering, Starfix was based in the UK years ago, but they aparently went under in the early 90's. The instructions are printed in English, German, French and what appears to be Dutch?
Thanks for joining in Dave. Would you like me to class you as Category 3 (Novice)?
Starfix were hardly even heard of in Britain, and didn't last long!
I thought it was a place you could get a coffee and a kit!
It'll be interesting to see what you can do with this kit Dave. As Wojtek said, a little work and it could turn out nice.

I found a good subject for my G6, and it'll be Stafelkapitan Wilhelm Schilling of 9./Jg54 about the time he was based out of Ludwigslust, early 1944.

Schilling's career spanned from 1940 through 1945 with a total of 538 combat missions netting him 63 kills. He started out with the Battle of Britain, was assigned to the Eastern front and then back home for Defense duties.

He was wounded late in 1942 and then slightly wounded in the head by a gunner of a B-17 on 20 February 1944 during the start of the "Big Week", as he made a head-on pass through a formation.

I think I am going to need the advice of the experts here though, because I have seen two different color artwork images of Schilling's G6. I am inclined to believe the artwork that has the light-blue band more than the artwork with the dark-blue band.

I'll post both along with the actual B&W photo.


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Thanks for joining in Dave. Would you like me to class you as Category 3 (Novice)?
Starfix were hardly even heard of in Britain, and didn't last long!
I thought it was a place you could get a coffee and a kit!
It'll be interesting to see what you can do with this kit Dave. As Wojtek said, a little work and it could turn out nice.

Definitely a class 3 :lol:

I'm horribly out of practice and have a pretty full workload, but this'll be a fun side project!

Thanks Terry! :thumbright:
GG, Javlin (Kevin) is doing the same bird....

...from your 2 profiles i think the blue band should be somewhere in between, even my profiles, I think are a little on the light side...

posted these for Kevin so you may as well have them for reference in your thread too!

Source : Kagero Bf109G


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I have about 20 of those kits - selling at the dollar store for....a $1!!

Grau, like you said, it will need some heavy work. They do go together nicely but the one major flaw is scale. Although it says 1/48 I actually think it is somewhere near 1/58 or 1/60. And the canopy can be a bugger. I love Starfix because they are cost effective and I can practice on them. I also have the 'Emil' version and several Spits.

Waiting for this build! Check the Trader's Lane thread if you see some decals I can send you.
Nice choice of scheme Dave. I agree with Wayne, I think the blue band should be about the colour on the profiles he posted. Years back, it was thought that the band was darker, as in one of your profiles, but more recent evidence, and I guess research, indicates that it was very similar to the colour Wayne showed.

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