You do have to be single to have a magnificent bench like Donis'!
And I am Not single............ which explains the look of mine in our new digs.
Plenty of room for display of 48th scale and stuff in the Ikea Billy cases, center case is the big ones, and a place to put underway big ones, the Connie, C-47 and a P5-M.
My little electronic picture frame. I can search for referance photos from a memory stick and keep them open without having paper all over.
Notice on my "bench" the recycled Ferrero cases, chinese take-out, and soft butter containers, in the cabinet!!!! RECYCLE
The labled two dollar shop plastic lunch boxes and the odd ice cream container for spares, tools and supplies.
***Oh and my Stash and overflow of stuff in a closet.
And a visitor this morning. Didn't feed the bugger, don't want to encourage him cuz he'll sh!t everywhere!