Show Your Workbench

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Very nice set-up……………………but where's the bed!!
Thank you all for your comments, it's a room dedicated to my stuff. :brushteeth: :cool: :munky2: :computer:
I keep taking note of some other good idea.

Keep in touch

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:arrow:Thanks for the comments, Viking Berserker and Jeff.

That Razorback Monogram and Revell Mustang models are indeed very old and got very cheap, these kits will be good to keep learning, practicing and applying the techniques. :idea:

I am learning and navigating the extensive and varied this forum, anyone can guide me to tell me where I can show my finished planes are still few, but gradually want to share in the right place. :rolleyes: :lol:

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This is completely genuine, taken minutes ago, but a cheat nonetheless! Having finished the Spitfire float plane a couple of days ago I tidied everything up and haven't started anything else, hence the unbelievably tidy appearance of my den :)


Normally you'd be lucky to see the desk!


Thanks. The bench is made of my old kitchen cabinets. I hate throwing out perfectly good cabinets. I made the paint rack myself from bits and pieces laying around. The cheaters are two-stage - reading glasses for regular stuff and magnifying visor for when things get serious.

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