Sick of Michael Jackson Again

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Jun 12, 2009
Couldn't stand the freak pervert when alive, now put up with his face and noise more since he's dead.

Bury him deep and move on, both literally and the media.
I was forced to watch CNN in the clubhouse of our neighborhood golf course, and 80% of what they were repeating was Jackson this, Jackson that....

Didnt see ANY mention about his pedofiliac problems, but they took a Poll and were showing that Jackson had a 5% lead on Elvis in the Greatest Music Iconwhateveritcalled Catagory...

Im sick of his glorification, cant wait till its over....
it's all a waste of time and energies like the clown was a god, sensationialism once again proved by the media

who really gives a rats behind, how about reproting about our men/women in Afghanistan and elsewhere giving it all instead of some poser making millions off of unfortunates
This crap really makes me uncomfortable about the state of our country. His music was crap and had hundreds of allegations of child abuse of the worse kind. Even ol' Al Sharkton is down in Ca. making sure that he gets a piece of the action saying that Michael needs to get a proper burial befitting of the king of pop.
There's nothing wrong with being a follower, as it's really instinct and only natural. Having said that, the stuff we follow is just plain ridiculous. Yeah, I have bands I like, and yeah, I like to go to their shows when/if they come to town, and yeah, I'll buy a concert shirt or something like that to wear, but I don't idolize them the way some people idolize celebrities. When you sit down and actually think about what exactly they did to become famous, in a lot of cases it's nothing really or it's just because they happen to be good looking.
I quit watchin TV anymore. Especially the "news". Never liked the guy when he was "hot" back in the 80s, and that was the peak of my opinion of him. The world is a better place without him.

Now, why can't they rehash the careers/lives of all the other celebs who have passed away? Hmmm.
Thank god for cable TV and iPods. Living in Southern California, it's like all the local stations have been all Michael, all the time. So I watched Midway on cable last night and got to see what REAL heroes do.
I have checked the Discovery, Planet, National Geographic, AXN and a few other TV channels and there has been nothing about the only singer who crumbled.
I think the coverage over here in the UK is a joke - it's 24/7 except when Wimbledon gets a look-in (and that is a joke too). Since he died, the guy has the number 1 album over here and 4 singles in the top 40 - at least he hasnt got #1 single here yet (it's La Roux - "Bulletproof" for anyone interested). With all the things that are going on in the world - Darfur, Iran, the UK govt screwing everything up etc - you would think that the "news" channels would find a more constructive use for their airtime
I have checked the Discovery, Planet, National Geographic, AXN and a few other TV channels and there has been nothing about the only singer who crumbled.

Just you wait..."Forensic Detectives" anyone?
Apart from that, we've had our fair share of Jacksonomania here in Denmark as well, and just a few days ago I caught a young colleague watching tons of Jackson-videos on youTube.
I just scratched my head and left the computer room, wondering why the guy was so popular.
His music has never really meant anything to me, except that it was just more noise in the endless stream of radio background noise.

What I don't get is that some of our young soldiers got killed the other day in Afghanistan, and it barely gets mentioned in the news - and then it's on to the next piece of <sarcasm ON>incredibly important</sarcasm OFF>garbage in the /¤/¤%%¤ Jackson-saga.
Bury the geezer and move on to more important things fer chrissakes! *growls*

I also read that fans all over the world were committing suicide because Wacko Jacko had died...goodness...I can understand that you might want to give up and call it quits if...*huge intake of air* lose your job, the wife wants a divorce because she's been messing with your best buddy, you have to move because the house has burned, your teenage daughter gets raped and winds up preggers and with HIV, your son gets killed by a madman who then wipes his hands in your parrot that he strangled - and then the psycho proceeds with offing your parents in the most nasty ways while you're forced to watch, before he finishes off by eating your dog...but because your idol dies??? *shakes head*...that's way beyond my comprehension!

Btw, I'm fed up with all that Jacko-stuff too, just in case you haven't noticed...

Um..... so how was your day at work????????
I wasn't alive when he was in his prime but I heard songs growing up. It's sad to me seeing him on youtube when he was a child and teen with all the talent and potential in the world and ending up the way he did. I also believe the coverage is blown, but CNN loves this kind of garbage and he was a world icon at one time. No better then Favre moving to the Jets!

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