TA-152 C 1:32 scale by kitbashing

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I coulldn't resist any longer and had to do some modelling.
Given the TA some paint I thought can not harm it because faults are easely corrected by doing it once more.




Thanks boys for your interest and good wishes. Do better now every day.
Update will come soon. Try to scratchbuild an undercarriage from brass tube because of the high weight of the beast. It surely will crack any plastic uc.
The undercarriage was tricky because of the high weight of the kit which is caused by the resinparts. The uc. is plastic too weak and the wrong part being an A to D uc.
modifying it dose not make sense. The flaps are very bad too thick and poor detail.
Well doing it yourself again. My fingers aren't still up for this performance but let give it a start. I used plastic sheet and tube over a kernel of brasstube and Paper clips.
That's the result:

11 TA-152 C-104.jpg
After two months I reapeared on an Exhibition and promply broke the under carrige of my FW 190 V-16. Well I just had gathered some expierience in doing UC's and repaired it using brass tube again. By the way I improved the cowl making it a little bit more bulkier while the Ta is waiting patiently. Some renewing of the weathering around the exhausts is needed too.



The uc. for the Ta is ready to be attached to the plane. but not before the decals are fixed to it.



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