Todays movies....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Just been watching Die Hard 4.0....and what a load of low flying hard hitting piece of sh*te it was!

Tell me something fellow brethren...what the h*ll does people get out of watch cheap sh*te like this?

Does todays movie really have to be this unrealistic, far-fetched close to edge being ridiculously stupid, to attract people to the seats????

Does todays movie really have to be this unrealistic, far-fetched close to edge being ridiculously stupid, to attract people to the seats????

To answer your question, Yes they do.
Have not set foot in a movie theater since the release of The Great Raid a few years back. Got other things to spend my hard earned money on.
I too watched DH4. I loved the earlier ones. DH3 was a little hard to swallow, but entertaining nonetheless. However, when I say watched DH4, I mean for about 20mins. And that is 20min of my life I'll never get back.

I used to rent more movies in the past. And I used to watch them, even if they sucked. Not anymore. Now I don't rent very many movies. And those that I do rent, if its bad, I walk away. Not worth wasting 2-3hours.
Does todays movie really have to be this unrealistic, far-fetched close to edge being ridiculously stupid, to attract people to the seats????

No it only seems that way when you old geezers hit 40!!!

{We are almost the same age Lucky...}

Maybe it just seemed better when we were teens, early 20's

Star Wars, James Bond, Indiana Jones.... Couldn't get enough of them back then.....
Old geezers??


Teens, early 20's??

Star Wars, James Bond, Indiana Jones??

Is there an echo in here?

The first 3 Star Wars movies, the first 3 Indiana Jones, Bond movies -Spy who Loved me, View to a Kill, For Your eyes Only, Licence to Kill all cme out when I was between 12 and 23 years old, these were the movies that thrilled me....
What's really depressing is I just found out that I qualify as an "Old Geezer". Don't even get into these movies with a Senior discount with that status though!
I've never been a big movie guy, and you're right Lucky, most movies today just aren't very good. I loved the old Star Wars and Indiana Jones. There are few movies that are good today that aren't vulgar comedies (ie Step Brothers, hilarious), but I must say, The Dark Knight was amazing.
Most movies recently seem to be very short. I thought an "epic movie" was supposed to be 3 hours, not an hour and a half.
I'll take a classic movie anyday! Most of the crap dished out today is soley aimed at making money off the 16-25 year olds. No need to worry about a good plot or acting, if it's got violence, sex and a well known "actor" its bound to rake it in.
Sad but true, Wildcat. I guess I fall into the "geezer" category as well then. I see a movie in the theaters about once a year, if that. They charge way to much for way too little. If I'm going to spend $10 or more fore admission and more for snacks, I'm off to an airshow.
They forget that a movie is "entertainment". That doesn't mean an explosion every 5 seconds or gratutious sex or stupid dialogue. The Sean Connery Bond was the best until I watched "Casino Royale". I really, really liked it - more charachter driven with good exciting scenes that advanced the plot. Nothing over the top. And the current "Dark Knight" series is much better than the goofy Batman movies of the last 20 years. I'm hoping that this is the direction that movies are starting to take.

Little secret - I, too, won't go to a theatre and waste money anymore. "Pearl Harbor" did that to me. And the rental thing is getting out of hand also. But I found paradise. My local library has tons on DVD movies, including old B/W and newer ones, some just 6 months old. For FREE!!! I can even go online to the library website and download a movie for free to watch. It self destructs or whatever after 2 weeks but what the hey, I'm not paying for it!

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