Trackends Attempts 2nd ever build a Spite IX

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Thanks for the encouragement fellas but Im stuck (again) I have reached this stage with the cockpit done and started on the aircrafts structure but the instructiuons from Revell are total bollocks. They are very unclear on which bits go to make which model one instruction just has a component with a question mark with no info on what model the bit is for which is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard
any info Wayne or guys would be apprieciated cheers


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Sh*t youv'e jumped forward a bit! got a bit more info to send you but I think you may have caught up!

e-mail inbound Lee!

Do you want to make the clipped wing Mk.XVI or the standard Mk.IX version?
Sorry master Obi Wan
the dark side gave me a touch of the giddy ups I await you instructions
Any masking tips from any one who reads this would be apprecieated I have several items on masking using tape,fluid, rolled blue tack ect so what you guys prefer could be useful one other thing do any of you use pre lineing as a technique, on u tube it looked prity good .
cheers in advance Wayne and guys
Hi Lee, the '?' in instructions usually means an optional part. If you can post a pic of that part of the sheet, it might help.
What part(s) do you want to mask, and again, we can give some suggestions? A lot depends on personal preference, ease of masking etc etc.
Looks spectacular lee! Like Terry said, modeling is all preference. I use the blue painters tape bought from home depot but its title is "Blue masking painters tape", which is made for masking off the trim and such for real house paint jobs. Because of this the tac is soft to my surface and it doesnt leak under because it is built for way thicker paint jobs. Its really two birds and one stone, dont know if they sell it locally to you though.
Thanks for the tips and ideas guys I'm not settled on how i'll mask the camo stripes but I am going to have a bash at pre lining the panels as my hands arn't that steady .
I am sure you master builders know all this but for those novice fellas like me just starting out the Idea according to what I have found on the web is to highlight the panel lines with an artists black fine pen then carry on with the base coats and finishing coats but before you apply a clear coat using a fine needle or pin let the point follow the panel lines removing the paint the black then shows up the panel joints . I have bought a pack of small quilting needles that seem about right.
We shall see if it works if not I'll know soon enough and it wont take much to retouch the bit I have done and try something else.

The pics show the stages and how farI have got with just a light keying base coat covering the lines obviously I shall leave the painting as is until the rest of the build is done.


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Looks great so far Lee.... Are u using an airbrush for the camo??? If so, I would not recommend using tape to mask the demarcation lines... It looks too sharp...

If u have any post its layin around, these might do the trick if ur using an airbrush... Use the sticky part to hold it down and cut the paper part quite short, so when u spray the paint, it feathers slightly under the paper part and stops at the sticky edge.... Will make it look slightly more realistic....
Nice work Lee!

I'm probably going to use that artist pen trick for the panel lines of my PR.XIX, the panel lines are extremely finely engraved...

Thanks Dan, I was going to use the airbrush and I was thinking of using thin rolls of bluetack but your idea sound better
I'm much obliged my friend
Hi Lee,

First of all I suggest finishing assmbling of the model.I mean add the rear underside part of the fuselage and stabilizers with elevators.Also attach the underwing radiator coverings and the air intake to the carburetor.Because you applied the grey primer you can have a problem with their gluing. Aagree that the glue can damaged the paint in their slots but I suggest removing some of it for better adhesion with sandpaper for instance.Before you attach these coverings , mask the front and rear surfaces of the radiator grills you have already painted with fitted rectangular pieces of the masking tape.Also paint the inner surfaces of the coverings.these masks you can remove later with a toothpic.When you do that mask wheel bays of the main landing gear like in the first pic and apply the underside colour. Do that on wings, tails and the fuselage both undersides and sides. On sides do that partially. Then mask these undersides of the fuselage, wings and tails with the masking tape. The next step is to apply the first upper camo scheme colour. Because it is Spitfire Mk IX or later mark apply the Ocean Grey as the first one. You can do that or partially I mean at areas where spots of the colour were ( See the second pic ) or overall on upper suraces ( see the third pic ). When the paint is dry mask these Ocean grey spots like you can see in the fourth pic.Because it is Spitfire the borderlines of colours weren't blurred you don't need to use any tricks.
Then apply the second colour I mean the Dark Green.And then remove masks the camo should be seen like in the fifth pic.Before you put decals on the model apply one or two coats of gloss varnish.

And... remember of the cockpit interior masking.


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