What Annoyed You Today?

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You said it for me mate
Home computer crashed and died last night!!! Power up, keyboard flashes then nothing. Brought it to work today in hopes of getting it under the scope to see if anything is blown up on the motherboard, try a different Proc, video card, etc... See if I can get it running again.
Getting an old pestilen...sorry, colleague - back today.
She's the real sneaky kind, who at first is incredibly "friendly" and "warm" - and then spreads untrue rumours about colleagues, she loves to harass one particular colleague constantly, accusing her of untrue things behind her back.
GOD I HATE working with a backstabber/a$$licker like that! Unfortunately said colleague has latched onto me, of all people, as "someone who's alright" - and I just can't stand her, plus I certainly don't trust her.
God, she wanted to hug me good morning when I got to work today - I planted a flat hand in her chest just below the neck to stop her and said "We're not that good friends!"
Fortunately our boss is aware of the problem, and is keeping a very watchful eye on things before they get out of hand.
And hopefully before I explode. And I really do mean explode, complete with dents in the roof, sulphur fumes and all.
The worst thing?
I have to work together with the %¤%¤# now.
I just pray that we get rid of her...fast.

I prefer to deal with others matter-of-factly - if I or another makes a mistake or accidentally hurt someone else, we talk it out, quietly and directly, like in: A: "Hey, you farked up there!" B: "Sorry 'bout that, it won't happen again" and then we talk it over, end of story.
But backstabbing and not being honest - I can't stand it.
If said colleague continues with her "friendliness" tomorrow, I'll tell her why I'm having a problem with her, and then that she's tolerated, but only barely so - and that she's on "probation" when it comes to me, and that's it.

EDIT: And now you know why I hate working together with many women.
Yes, there are also male bi%¤3s, but with most men, you get the trouble the straightforward way, not the roundabout way.
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Computer board is toast. Tried to fix it today, but no luck. Looks like it may have taken out the Processor as well. Good thing is I found one on the big auction site that starts with an E and ends in a Bay for $38.00 including the Proc. so it won't be too costly. Do have to wait several days without internet access at home while I wait for it to arrive.
Biker Babe, I am right there with you. I have the worst problems with some of my female co-workers, no matter what the job is. I find that women take one look and add me to their blacklist without even bothering to get to know me.

And then there are the backstabbers, the gossipers, the fair-weather friends, the trouble-starters, and the sluts. Like you said, at least with most men, if they have a legitimate problem then you know about it! And most of the time, they just do their job and don't start all the politics and the "let's see how many people we can get against her" kind of mentality.

I have a girl at work today who lives alone but her parents pay her utilities, her college tuition, her cell phone bill, car payment, car insurance, and every now and then some extra. She has a couple of boyfriends and is having an affair with a married man. As if I could respect her any less, she loves to start stuff with me. Tonight she slammed into me, screamed "watch it!" and pushed my arm out of the way. She spreads gossip, complains about management, digs dirt on employees, and cheats the system to perform as little work as possible.

And best of all--management (all men) loves her. I once saw my district manager pat her lightly on the fanny, and my two managers are always giving her little perks here and there. ?? !! I've got to get out of here!! All my sympathies and best luck to you, because it's not going to change!
Well, if it's any comfort I work with a guy that is pretty much the same as both of you have described. Nice to your face, gossips and spreads crap behind your back. I just let it fly and live with the knowledge that someday it will catch up to him.
I gave him a nickname "Gossip Girl" . Have not called him that to his face though, yet, as I actually would like to keep my job for the time being.
Guys can be such jerks, where have I heard that before

Anyway, keep you heads up, and live with the thought that someday thier day to pay for thier actions will come.
Wonderful. I went to my manager last night about what she did....he is terrible management material as he can't stand disputes or dealing with people to begin with, so he just rubbed it off on the general manager, who was in a terrible mood.

His words? "Suspend them both". He didn't even listen to my side of the story. I was "involved" in the situation--by being the one who was shoved, and they took me off the schedule for a week along with the girl. Now, I am not the typical worker there...I'm surrounded by babbling hungover gossips who ask to be the first cut of the night, if they don't have to come in the next day, if they can get their shift covered. I'm one of three people who are older than their late teens and have never complained. I work harder than everyone else, cover everyone's shift, do extra work for the managers...in essence, do my job. And this is how they repay me.

I came home and posted my resume to several companies because I'm can't tolerate this anymore. Never, ever have I been treated like this by an employer...I've always had nothing but grateful bosses and have been promoted to wherever I felt like going because of my performance. And now they've taken away an entire week of income while I'm saving for tuition to start in January and my plane ticket home for Christmas.
just drove 100km to check out a camera for sale on Kijiji . Nikon digital with 2 lens including a sigma telephoto on the phone the older gent said it was his deceased brothers and a new digital but he wasn't sure of the model well I said 400 bucks I can't loose . Well it wasn't digital so I'm still stuck with the Fuji shrapnel

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