What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Being too bl**dy stiff to walk, then finally making it to the model shop at around 16:00hrs to get some more masking tape. Great! Forgot the £^%^%$ place now closes at 15:00 hrs on Saturday - B*ll*cks!!!!
Having to interrupt my online viewing of a danish tv-program about Operation Weserübung (- german occupation of Denmark in 1940), because my CPU-fan started sounding like a malfunctioning Spitfire.
Shot down, remove CPU-fan, clean it with a dry, clean brush - okay, I understood then, WHY it sounded like it did...*snort* ....and then put the friggin' CPU-fan back into the 'pooter...it runs smoothly now and without a sound, gotta see if there's anything worth watching left of the program.

EDIT: Watched the ladt three mi utes of the program. Found out that there's a second episode, wich is aired next sunday.
*eyes computer*...better behave, baby! *growls*
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It's a bloody give and take day today, GDmnit. Paid for a little compressor, that's my Take. And for Give?! Need a new BS motherboard in a two year old laptop $550.00. Scr*w The Goodguys. seems everything I've gotten from them craps out...... and there goes my 3D drafting program......................................................
Temps climbing into the 40 degree F range this week and stuff is melting, which is good, but my late winter allergies are starting to kick into full swing now!!!
Some jack*** threw my homework folder in the trash....then when I found out who it was i decided instead of punching him like I intended I made an ultimatum and said every minute he doesn't find a new folder for and tell the teachers why I don't have my homework.... pages will be ripped out.

Well..... he lost about 30 pages...

and lots of work to do in a short time.
work last night was SH!T to save money the hotel is trying to serve more customers with less staff in every dept so all that happens is standards drop across the board.
not much happening in the job market though !!!!
My 1997 Ford Ranger started to leak brake fluid... again ! What pisses me off is that I've spent about $1,400 on that problem since the begining of winter (in two different garages)... And my brake system is still mother f*cking leaking ???

My mecanic will see my un-happy face again !

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