What Annoyed You Today? (7 Viewers)

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Sorry to hear that SE, but along those lines, I just recieved an alert from the NJ Health Dept that birds in this area sold from Pet shops have some sort of infection that is contagious - like Avian Flu. Now protocol has us requesting background on any doemstic pet bird we recieve. Paperwork!!
thanks guys I actually found him today. we put an ad in the paper and it paid off! Turns out he was only a couple of blocks away on someones roof! So I climbed the ladder and got him. poor thing has been out in the shitty weather since thursday!
What annoyed me was the housemate or one of their friends who thought it would be very funny to stand and hold my doorbell at 4am and 7am this morning. Was in half a mind to kick off but just can't be arsed with the hassle
My car now has a second scuff on the back bumper. I went to the car today to see a woman struggling to squeeze in behind. At work a few hours later I noticed black marks on the rear. I drove back home but said car had long gone. This is the second time it's happened in a week; no point getting it resprayed as it will only get hit again
I was very annoyed yesterday and today because yesterday a had the first exam at college and I had to wait a very long time and I got home with a very big headache and the bloody internet wasn't working and I tried to sleep but I couldn't and when I woke up this morning and I was reading my emails and drinking my coffee the bloody power went off...

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