What Annoyed You Today?

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Hit one of the local hobby stores today to see what they had to offer in the WW2 aircraft department. Sadly, they have given themselves over to Japanese cartoon models. Historical military models, that's aircraft, vehicles, and ships, is squeezed into less than half of one side of the aisle, the rest given over to Japanese sci-fi crap. One aisle over, cars still hold their own on one side, but Warhammer 40K has taken over the other. Sigh.:(
Those Warhammer and Japanese characters are very popular, we only have one toy shop that has models tucked in one corner but as I recall there are about 3 maybe 4 shops that sell these Warhammer type models. Consequently all of my purchasing is done on line. :(
Not a worry, I've looked a a few in Perth and most seem to just deal in kits. The best place I've found in Oz is BNA in Melbourne who supply the specialist supplementary parts such as resin, PE, decals and such, but even they are limted in what they hold, consiquently its Hannants (UK) or Sprue Bros (US) who I deal with for many of my needs. :D
A crummy experience in the paint department at Lowe's with a CSR who simply wouldn't answer my simple question of "how long will I have to wait to get my color mixed?" So I emptied my basket of about $40 worth of stuff and walked out.

I'll go to HD and hope for better service there, or go back to McCoy's and buy their small, expensive can of premixed paint.

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