What are you doing now?

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Wow, let's see, another day in paradise, temp in the low 60'sF, rain is over, cleaning the house, trying to housebreak the new pup, gave her a bath and brushed her out. Target practice with the .45 and M-16 in the back yard. Took the UTV down to the dock to check on its position after yesterday's rain and while down there check on the boat and dock lines. Drove into town for a Papa Murphy's pizza. And last but not least checking the forum
You do realize that after the ceiling is painted, the walls will need it too. Then all the trim..... ad nausium .....


Painting like that is always easier if you leave the windows shut. Well, maybe not "easier", but life sure gets funny after about 10 minutes!

Just watched a movie, 'bout to hit the rack.
Made an Avacado dip about to head over to a friends house for the big game with Wife in toe.She was looking forward to it most of the week but for the last two days sinus problems with a headache so probably only the first half this year.

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