What Cheered You Up Today?

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One word....F-R-I-D-A-Y, which mean weekend!

As for the "nothing" from yesterday, occasionally i get a bit low, depressed or what you want to call it, when my dead friends pop into my mind, all 7 of them..... :(
Sometimes wonder "what if they would have been alive today......" You know....

Oh well!
Same here, man...best thing to do when you start missin' them, is lift a glass in thier memory and remember the good times!
One word....F-R-I-D-A-Y, which mean weekend!

As for the "nothing" from yesterday, occasionally i get a bit low, depressed or what you want to call it, when my dead friends pop into my mind, all 7 of them..... :(
Sometimes wonder "what if they would have been alive today......" You know....

Oh well!

Lucky, I'm sorry to hear that. As much of an optimist I am, that's life--no matter who are you or what kind of life you've led, there are always things that come back to haunt us--whether they were originally good or bad. I'm betting just about everyone on here would agree.

Glad you're having a better day...
One word....F-R-I-D-A-Y, which mean weekend!

As for the "nothing" from yesterday, occasionally i get a bit low, depressed or what you want to call it, when my dead friends pop into my mind, all 7 of them..... :(
Sometimes wonder "what if they would have been alive today......" You know....

Oh well!

Sorry to hear that Lucky. I lost a fellow co-worker last christmas. :(, so I do know where you're coming from.
Jan I know exactly how you feel. My grandpa died when I was 5. I always thought what if I got to know him more. In school I just sorta wonder away and forget about everything and think about him.......... boy do I miss him.

But this is the what cheered you up thread so agreeing with ya again Jan! FRIDAY!
standing in a room full of marines and signing the Marine Corp hymn before the birthday cake was cut.

(The ball is tomorrow night, this was just the pre ceremony at the local Leatherneck Club)

Semper Fi!
It's 09:56 am here in Denmark, and I've done a week's dirty dishes (- haven't got a dishwasher...), cleaned the kitchen, swept and vacuum cleaned the rest of the apartment, had breakfast (- bread w. soft-boiled eggs and a cup of coffee) and am now at the rest of the morning coffee.
Set a new record among my friends on Facebook in Pool (Practice), Bouncing Balls and Allied Escape. Go me. :D
*pats self on top of head* :lol:
Time for some R&R in the sofa with a good book. ;)
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My U/16 basketball team won their first game for the season!!...usually get flogged by anywhere from 30 to 60 points....but not today!!

didn't start well down 0 - 13...time out...gave them a serve they switched on and we won 34 - 19 !!!:D:D
Just bought my new skis. K2 Kung Fujas 2010's in 169's with Marker Griffon Schizo's. I think they are the last pair in the UK as well which is even better. Just took me about an hour and half of calling all the shops that had them listed to see if they had them in stock. Certainly was worth though, can't wait to ski them.

Has had a good day off from work. The leaders was s'posed to learn some stuff themselves today = no work today, så I visited my parents and got a whole lot of stuff done.
First get car head home for my...whatsitcalled...that card you need, so that you can vote? It's election night here in Denmark, so voting was to be done.
At the same time I picked up a crate of dinner plates I didn't need anymore, plus some old jackets and stuff - off to the used-stuff-shop with that.
Brought some trousers to mom's best friend Åse, who's having a hard time walking, plus she can't drive her car anymore (age), så she was happy when I showed up with some nice new trousers for her. Hope she can use them.
Then I went off and voted, and after that I picked up a book that I had ordered for my mother, that she wanted.
That done, then it was off to the library. Delivered a book back and picked up another one, and then I went back home to my parents.
Talked with my father about an old laptop that I didn't use anymore, and offered it to him, he said yes. :thumbleft:
Went home and picked that up.
When I got back, a friend called. He had given me his mother's old sewing machine back when she died, and now I didn't need it anymore, and so I had offered to give it back to him. He would like to have it back, and so i picked the machine up at my place and took it back to my buddy.
Then I went back to have dinner with my parents - roastbeef, yum! - and now I'm at home, relaxing after a nice sunny day, getting a lot of things done and having a good time at the same time, too. :)
To top it off, another buddy offered to drop by with some dvds that he had promised me a few weeks ago, but right now I just want to relax with a nice cup of evening coffee, so that'll have to be another day. ;)

So all in all I have enjoyed myself all day, while getting a lot of stuff done. Yay! :lol:
:lol: Nice!

Yep theres some teachers convention so they all have work today!! And on my free time I am working on my Ju-87 and relaxing :D

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