What Cheered You Up Today?

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Got a call from the radio station I listen to, telling me that I won a drawing for "The Pacific" DVD set! Lets see, its been....10 years since I won something on the radio? Couldn't ask for better timing!

Now I just gotta figure out a time during the work-day to drive across DFW traffic to pick the dang thing up...
1. Finally had time today to immerse myself in some of the old murder cases/police reports/coroner reports that the museum has got stored. *rubs hands*

2. Bought myself a new hat badge for my winter hat.


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That sounds great, Gnomey - mind you, that's coming from one who has never passed the "Abominable Snowball"-level of skiing, despite holidays in Norway, Sweden and Austria.

My good thing today?
We didn't have that many visitors at the museum, mainly because of the snow, so I managed to sketch both doodles and furnituretigers.
All this snow and cold makes me not feeling so homesick, this season.... Listen to radio and read the papers, having a laugh.....thinking, you people should experience what I'm used to, this country would, well......you know, stand still!

On the other other hand, I hope that people stay safe, sound and WARM....

Well then, you would feel right at home here in my home of Minnesota. Plenty of snow, cold, and most importantly anti-freeze (beer and whiskey) to make a Scantihoovian feel right at home
Continued to draw tonight.
Here's today's drawings:

James Macfurnituretiger in front of his Spittiger.

James MacFurnituretiger in profile. He was Angus MacFurnituretiger's grandfather. Angus is the furnituretiger's uncle. The furnituretiger is a character I'm writing stories about and making drawings of - am hoping to use 'em as children's stories.

A stamp that I drew at the museum today.

Disney's characters are fairly easy to draw.

Well - since it's the first time in ages that I've been drawing, I've been enjoying myself greatly.
And I also picked up a few things on my way home - all in all a very nice day.

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Must be a pain to apply those decals with those fingernails on your fingers

How many women do you know that would go shopping and come home with some nails for thier fingers, decals for thier model airplanes, what appears to be a Betty Boop magnet, and a military patch for thier jacket?
Love it ! Great work Maria.

Aw thanks Terry.

The fingernails are for the christmas luncheon at the museum later this month, they'll be removed as soon as I get home. They'll prolly drive me nuts while wearing them, as I'm not used to having long fingernails. *giggle*
Btw, it's a Betty Boop patch, not a magnet. I know, it's hard to see on that photo.

What cheered me up today?
Working my way through - and scanning - some old police reports today at the museum, from the double murder at Peter Bangsvej in Copenhagen in 1948.
Fascinating stuff, love it!
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