What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Friday is here. Picked up a wooden snowshoe kit this week. Hoping to get them laced and varnished in the next couple weeks and walking on top of snow instead of sinking knee deep into it at the archery range from now on!!!
Test period at work ends at the end of the month.
Steady contract coming up, we're getting the final things sorted out atm at the museum. :)
And everything's thawing at the moment, the snow's almost gone and we've got plus degrees every day. At the end of the week, sunshine's expected. :lol:
The invention of remote car starters cheered me up today. Woke up to -15F temps this morning. Started the truck from inside the house to let it warm up before heading to work, still wasn't really warm inside the vehicle until I actually parked in the parking lot at work though.
I was just reading about the engagement between the British naval forces lead by the battleship HMS Warspite, and the German Navy's eight destroyers around Narvick on 12th April 1940. The account described the cost to the Kriegsmarine and to HMS Warspite as follows:

'Warspite steaming around in the smoke of battle engaging whenever a target appeared, all eight destroyers were sunk or destroyed with Warspite firing 64 salvo's (32 rounds each gun)' ... 'the German navy lost the Georg Thiele, Hans Ludemann, Hermann Kunne, Diether Von Roder, Wolfgang Zenker, Erich Giese, Erich Koellner and Bernd Von Arnim' ... 'One of Warpsite's gun crew reported the only difficulty in the battle was that every time their turret fired the tea kettle kept hot on the electric radiator in the turret had to be lifted off to prevent it spilling.'

Not belittling the loss to the Kriegsmarine and all respect to their brave sailors, but the cost to the crew of HMS Warspite - what can you say, such an inconvenience. :lol:
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You guys. And dinner. :) :thumbleft: :thumbright:
And my mother calling, telling me that my parents have decided that they want to give me a new pair of winter boots, because the old pair is worn out. Thank God for loving parents!
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Started up part of my exercise routine again yesterday. Need to work off some of the excess tonnage I've put on over the winter, and since injuring my calf/ankle again last fall.
Decided to give my leg a 3.5 month rest from excessive pressure and I think it has finally healed up.
Went for a half hour walk at lunch yesterday, and then a 1.5 hour hike after work. May have overdone it though is the legs are barking at me today.
Finally getting out of the museum today.
The car needed a loving hand, so I vacuum-cleaned it inside (- piece of cake when there's two huge industrial vacuum cleaners at the car wash at the garage at the central police station - one for each side of the car - sheer luxury! :D ), had it washed, dried, refuelled, checked and filled up various fluids, checked tyre pressure, wiped the "ears" (mirrors) clean again...aaaaaaah...NOW I feel much better! :lol:
And guess what?
There WAS a car inside all of that winter muck! :D
Started getting my workroom at the NEW house going today. I have not thought much about building since I lost my wife in Sept. For some reason it just felt like the time was right today, even though I had to shovel a path through 8" snow to get started. First up was the tunes, can't do anything without them.


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