What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Getting some goodies in the mail!
1/72 B-17F Interior detailing set by Legend (looks quite daunting )
1/48 Amtech P-40E
Pics later.
Some guys at The Fountain Pen Network answered my questions about a pen set that my colleague Anne-Lise owns.
We didn't know anything about the set, now I got plenty of data for her about her pens.
The internet and kind and helpful people all over the world rock!
Went to see my phys today for a check-up, I still have one helluva cold.
But - thank God! - no pneumonia!
My phys lady still wanted to see me on thursday for another check, I like that she keeps an eye on things , just to be sure.
We have a extremely popular rye made here in Iowa called Templeton Rye. Over the holidays there were waiting lists at the stores that carried it over Christmas as it is a limited production. Made in a small town in western Iowa. Might check it out if you get a chance.

I read about Templeton Rye a year or so ago in the Taste section of the local newspaper. Wanted to try it ever since, but does not appear to be destributed widely.
It may be worth the trip to Iowa to pick some up. It's insanely popular. A local group called The Nadas wrote a decent song about it.

There is always a wait for Templeton and you pretty much have to be in the store when it's delivered to get a bottle. I tried for the last few months I lived in Iowa with no luck. According to the info I have been able to get, there was an increase from 500 bottles a month to 1000 per month in the state of Iowa after the first of the year. The distribution is at the first of each month. I have a trip up North scheduled for the first week of March with the hopes of getting a couple of bottles.

My hopes are now dashed, now I need to continue this on the "What annoyed you today" thread;(
Daytime temps are predicted to be above freezing, in the 35-45 F range nearly all week!!! Predict that 40% of current snow cover will be gone be weeks end!!! Finally, I was tiring of this long, snowy, and cold winter.
Only drawback is the snow melt triggeres allergies are kicking in, but I'll happily live with that.

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