What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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And my counter-sign would be, "You may guess if I'm not home or just rob my neighbor who is demonstrably unarmed." :toothy5:

Really!? Pb?
No its a silly sign like saying my next door neighnour is pro life , it ain't my business,just like how or who you vote for . Wasn't that part of the War of Independence thing
It's a frickin joke. Ridicule the sign, but not the message. I would never post such stoopid $hit in my yard against my neighbor or anyone else. But don't get caught up in the internet emotional drama. Pb, if you were my neighbor, my sign would read, "My neighbor likes F-104 widow makers. And I defend his first amendment rights with my second amendment capability!!". :evil4:
What cheered me up today? Finished up Christmas shopping last night, mad I hate shopping!!! Thinking I'm going to take a half day off from work today and go out and put a down payment down on a Varmint Rifle I've been eyeing up. A Remington 700 VS-SF II in .204 Ruger Caliber. Would prefer a .22-250 but have not been finding them locally and the .204 is on sale. Look out Coyotes!!!
That sounds like fun. Not sure how popular .204Ruger is though. Might be hard to find ammo in the future unless you collect alot of brass and reload yourself.

I'm looking forward to Christmas with my boys. I've got some cool knives, an iPod 4, dummy hand grenade, coins from all over the world, and some other goodies. They are gonna have fun Christmas day.
That sounds like fun. Not sure how popular .204Ruger is though. Might be hard to find ammo in the future unless you collect alot of brass and reload yourself.

I'm looking forward to Christmas with my boys. I've got some cool knives, an iPod 4, dummy hand grenade, coins from all over the world, and some other goodies. They are gonna have fun Christmas day.

I thought that about the .204 ammo at first, but I can find it in every hunting/sporting goods store. Went to the store that had the rifle to see if they had marked down the price. They didn't and I just couldn't pull the trigger on a near $1000 rifle for varmint hunting. Stopped at a Sporting good store I had not been in for several years and they had a less expensive version of the same rifle, only in .22-250 caliber and a left hander. I picked it up. Now to mount a scope and break in the barrel.

Sounds like the younguns are going to have a good time at your place.
Sleep in, not having to do anything until later this afternoon, where I'll be visiting my parents to help mom figure out how to do the laundry in the apartment laundrette. The washing machines has got those touch screen thingies where you set the program, it'll be interesting to see if we can figure it out. :D

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