What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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A good stereo + powerful amps + cables + good tv + Rammstein concert dvd = local powerful readings on the Richter scale loads of fun, trying to find out whether or not the apartment neighbours can actually hit the rhytm on the water pipes! *cackle* :twisted:
A good stereo + powerful amps + cables + good tv + Rammstein concert dvd = local powerful readings on the Richter scale loads of fun, trying to find out whether or not the apartment neighbours can actually hit the rhytm on the water pipes! *cackle* :twisted:

Good stereo + powerful amps, etc. oh do tell young lady! I'm in love... [hides computer from wife]
...damn, Rammstein: Live aus Berlin looks and sounds great on the new tv that I got today! :lol: :D :lol:
Plus I ran a couple of wires from the tv to the stereo = endless possibilities for loads of air guitar, headbanging and bouncing around! :thumbleft: .thumbright:
And....ooooh, I can hardly wait to watch Battle of Britain, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and the various WW2 Luftwaffe/RAF-documentaries that I've got on dvd!
Just under 2 more hours of work today, then a 4 day weekend, woohoo. Do a little bowhunting, a little ice fishing (if the ice is still safe as it's been pretty warm), and shoot some rifles.

Leftovers from yesterday:
Beef tenderloin sliced, diced and tossed into brown gravy and boiled for a few mins, then poured over boiled, fried potatoes. *hiccup*
And paid for my membership to the support group of the Danisn Aviation Museum. ;)

Played hockey for 3 hours. Longest I've played that I can remember. Only downside is I now can't walk up stairs. :lol:

Drink lots of water and do stretch exercises galore.
It'll hurt like hell while you do it, but it'll help. ;)
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January issues of FlyPast and Aeroplane, one has got a big article on the Spitfire Mk. I, and the other a big article about RAF Bomber Command during WW2.
Plus two Essie nail polishes - black, and a clear top-/basecoat.
I never thought I'd write this, as I've never used nail polish before, but: My other Essie black nail polish is empty. :D
Kaylen's feelin better! Still not 100%, but she's feeling well enough to run around the house and play, pitch a screaming fit at the mention of bath-time (and another one when we told her it was time to get out. Go figger.), feed two or three cough-drops to the dog (and, very considerately, run all the way into the kitchen to throw the wrappers in the garbage). She'll still be on antibiotics for a few more days, and has bruises on her arms from the IV attempts, but she felt well enough to poke her head into the garage when I got home and smile at me. Dam, but that was one of the best smiles I've seen in a long time (crappy week at work on top of all this makes her smiles so much better)! Thanks again for all the prayers and well-wishes, y'all!

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