What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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This picture made me laugh.
Finally finally finally found the Stanley Pack 'n Latch storage box that I've been looking for like mad for the last...what? 5-6 years? :D


I've already got a similar box for my fly tying gear - materials, hooks, tools, what have you - and I needed one more to be able to store the rest of the stuff.
Found it today at Bauhaus in Glostrup. :D

And gave up on ordering the Regia World Ball yarn - lack of patience on my behalf - and bought some sock yarn at a local yarn dealer today:


Aaaaaaaaand found some other yarn that I want to make a scarf of, complete with a Rammstein-logo. ;)


The Rammstein concert in Copenhagen is on Feb. 21st, and I've got a ticket. :D
Time to start knitting, methinks. ;)
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Seeing the Thin Lizzy concert last night at the Plymouth Pavillions.
Scott Gorman is still knocking out the riffs.
A great evening...I may get what's left of my hearing back at some stage today....
Got drawn for Turkey hunting in my home state this spring. Early season so the birds should not be as leary as they were last year?
Have auto shotgun? know no fear :lol:

No Semi-auto for me, just a short barrelled pump action. Should only need one shot if you let them get, or should I say if they get close enough. I may carry both the shotgun and my longbow, if one gets close I may take him with the bow. Now the 2.5 month wait!

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