What Cheered You Up Today?

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Local weather is calling for a large storm starting tonight and all weekend for Iowa. Hoping for lots of snow that I can sit and watch comfortably from my patio doors!
My son left Friday out of Philadelphia for a flight to Austria for a ski trip with my mom ( he's 17 ). Finally heard from him. Safe and sound and on the ground. I can sleep now.
Got a call from my ex-wife, telling me she's found the photographs taken of the crew of the 625 Squadron Lancaster 'Oozlum Bird', when they signed prints of my painting of their aircraft.They were shot down in 1944, over Stuttgart.
Brilliant - I thought the pics were lost!
Sure is! I'll post some when I receive them, as I took pics of the guys sitting in their respective crew positions in the Lanc at East Kirby, the first time they'd met up all together in 50 years!
An old friend of mine just found me on Facebook. We were on the USS Cavalla together way back in the day, he was my best man at my first wedding. Awesome!!!
Sure is! I'll post some when I receive them, as I took pics of the guys sitting in their respective crew positions in the Lanc at East Kirby, the first time they'd met up all together in 50 years!

That's great Terry, looking forward to the pics.

As for my day, the talk of a possible few days in Bali and Singapore but not until mid-late winter. That's July August for us.
I finally asked Angie the BIG question last night, and she said YES! She said since the 49ers did so good this past year, I can subscribe to NFL Sunday Ticket!
I also asked her the other BIG question, and she said she would marry me too! All in all it was a great night!

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