What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Feelin' real good about all the birthday greetings and well wishes from people all over the world (even Australia !), most of whom I've never met. Makes a bloke feel real swell.... Thanks to all of you,...... If I may borrow Mr. Spock's famous line, "you are, and always shall be, my friends".

Got a totally unexpected, "out of the blue" advance Birthday present from Glenn (T-Bolt) for my 15th Birthday next week!
OK, it's 15 Birthdays but, being born on 29th February means I only have a Birthday every 4 years!
If you can't work it out, that means I'll be 60 (going on 25 - yeah girls!), never thought I'd make it past 40 after some of life's experiences!!
Really 'made up' receiving the kit from Glenn, especially as it's one I've wanted to do for many years!
Thanks very much again Glenn mate, very much appreciated!
Oh, by the way, having a fancy dress pi.... , er party, on Saturday coming - everyone welcome!
I'm a very happy bunny!!!!
Not cheered up as much as amused , just recieved a Xmas card today that had been mailed mid december . which according to my calculations travellrd at 4.6 MPH or 6kph a very steady quick marching/swimming pace by some stalwart mailman
After 2+ months of battling a wicked sinus infection and what appeared to be some nasty allergies to dust mites, things seem to finanlly be under control. About 3 weeks of anti-biotics seems to have finally taken care of the infection. Threw away the old mattress and bedspring (been sleeping on a camp cot for a little over a week now), took all of my dust coated books out of the bedroom, and am in the process of ripping up the carpet in order to help control the mite issue. I can finally breath again, still get awakend by the occaional wheezing from residual dust-mite allery flair-ups, but nothing like before.
Crossing my fingers that this is finally under control. Now I just need to pay all the doctor bills

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