What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Mom went for the last check-ups and preparations at the hospital today, things went well.
I drove dad to see his phys in the meantime, and afterwards we relaxed together as much as we could, and had a nice time together.
Later I picked mom up at the hospital at half past 2, she was irritated because of all the running around all over the hospital, talking with countless physicians and nurses, and only getting a couple of small boring slices of bread for lunch.
I understand her irritation perfectly:
She's nervous, irritated about all the examinations and all, and worried about both dad and the surgery.
I'm convinced that things will go well, after all they wouldn't resort to surgery if there wasn't hope of a good recovery and a better life afterwards.
Please remind me of this on monday, will ya guys???? ;)
Chatted with mom on the phone, she's mentally and physically getting ready for the surgery tomorrow. She's in good spirits, that's really good.
It helps a lot that she's scheduled to be no. 2 to undergo surgery tomorrow, so she's happy about it getting over and done with fast.
She has to be at the hospital at 7 in the morning, so she'll have to get up at 5 to get there in time.
With a little luck she'll be back home on wednesday, maybe tuesday, depending on what the physicians say and how everything goes.
So all in all things are looking good and we're looking forward to get it over and done with.
Good luck and Best Wishes for your mum tomorrow Maria.
Cheered me up when I checked my Lottery ticket today. It was one of those with 'impossible' numbers, starting 1,2,3 - so thought there's more chance of finding Jan in a Temperance meeting. Won a tenner!
Thanks Gnomey and Airframes. *hug* :)

I found a classical Santana-guitar today in a dry corner of the container yard.
Cleaning and repairing.
Can fully understand the rattling sound it had, after I shook a guitar pick out of the body of it.
Poor guitar - it was a 1 mm Jim Dunlop, which is way too hard for nylon strings in my opinion.
Surgery went well, mom got back up at her room at the hospital early this evening, dad and I were waiting for her. :)
She was hoarse but feeling good, so that's great - aaaaaaand a huge relief as well. ;)
The hoarseness was due to the tube that they stuck in her throat during surgery, but the nurse offered her something to eat and she chose soup to help her throat recover.
With a little luck she'll be back home tomorrow, maybe wednesday, depending on how things are going, so we're hoping for the best.

It helps a lot that they used the Da Vinci Surgery System at the hospital, that helps the patients to recover a lot faster because people don't have to be opened completely, the surgeon just go in through a few surgical holes in the stomach, and that heals fairly fast.
And since mom's 83 years old, that's fairly important. ;)

Dad and I went home and relaxed. We were both completely depleted of any excess energy, so we just relaxed, and I went home early because dad wanted to go to bed early.
And right now I'm so tired that everything becomes hilarious, so it won't be long before I head to bed as well. *yawn*
Thanks again guys. *hugs the gang*
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