What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Female visitors in quantity had some who didn't listen to requests not to put stuff down the toilets. System was clogged up. Now cleared through much rodding and caustic solutions.

Hooray! now we can revert to civilised behaviour.

Don't ask for details......trust me on this.

Civilisation is hot water and soft toilet paper.
Must have bl**dy long baths then - the overflow's been in operation for over six years!
Those short breaks we've had over the years - a day or two here, as a long as a week there - plus the exceptionally long period this year (three weeks) when it didn't rain, must have been periods between baths!
Just back from physical therapy, sore as heck but not compared to the days following the wreck. More like the kind of pain you have as a result of being out of shape.

Took my first unassisted steps, although I was in a pool while doing so. Still seemed like a major achievement...
Good to hear Dave. Keep at it, and you'll b e back to normal before Jan has time to but a round. (I know, I know, that'll be quite a while !!) Hope it continues to improve rapidly.
Must have bl**dy long baths then - the overflow's been in operation for over six years!
Those short breaks we've had over the years - a day or two here, as a long as a week there - plus the exceptionally long period this year (three weeks) when it didn't rain, must have been periods between baths!

We call the westerly gales 'god's hose pipe'...no escape from a soaking :)

Dave, ouch, that sounds a bit painfull... I hope you start to feel the benefits of the treatment soon mate.

Its hard to just wait Dave, a real bummer but, you'll have too.
Think of the future and plan nice things for when you are better.
The forum's wit and satire will make time fly, oh that and looking at the wonderful Spitfire on You Tube :)
Actually, right now I am watching a video on YouTube about the attack on Sebastopol by Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe. About 3 minutes into the video, there is a great cockpit view of a Stuka pilot going into a dive. Shortly after, there's a cockpit view of a Ju88 pilot making a dive-bombing run. Also some excellent footage of the Stug III accompanied by Panzergrenadiers.

Only thing missing was Gustav...now that was a badass artillery piece!
Finally got a model I been waiting for....!

I would have figured you would have about a hundred ofem!

I, on the other hand am chuffed that we modelers, well Wurger in particular on this one, have been able to do what the Canadian Air Museum couldn't!
My Davidson Blenheim was Not "L"*WV and serial R8662.......... it was in fact "T"*WV and serial R"3"662........ R8662 was a Hawker Typhoon!

Thanks Wurger!!!!!!!!
Greetings from illulisaat/Jakobshavn. :)
Arrived safely yesterday, spent the night at Hotel Icefiord, pleasant stay.
The trip up here went well, the trip from Kangerlussuaq/Søndre Strømfjord was...different. :D^
The trip itself went without a hitch, but the landing...well, let it be sufficient to say that we landed like a pile of manure from a high-a**ed cow. :D
Oh well, gravity still works. :D
Today I continue my trip to Upernavik, where I'm going to stay for 12 days before I head home again.
Here's a few pics. :)

The 757 I flew with from Copenhagen to Kangerlussuaq:


The Dash-8 I flew with from Kangerlussuaq to Illulisaat:


On the terrace at the hotel, with a beautiful view of the bay and the icebergs:




Ice. It smells incredibly fresh and nice. :)


Beware - dog sleighs crossing. :)


The hotel in the sunshine:


No trip without a selfie! :D


The sunset last night:


That's it for now guys, ttyl. ;)

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