What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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So, unless those facilities re-open, all the work that has gone before is now going to sit there, rotting, and all the time, effort and dedication spent has been for nothing.
Politicians - bunch of w**kers who are useless for anything else!!
Just like Cameron's brave new Britain then...'we're all in it together...well, some are more in it than others'

Let's all become politicians 'cause we can do it better! Or is it that we can't be a*sed?

It's easy. Less taxes and more services. Surely we can all agree that would work?..........

There is nothing wrong with 'the national interest' or 'all in it together' as a general stand point.
However..., rather like Animal Farm it doesn't equally apply to all and that is the problem.
Lead by example Cameron, take a pay cut not award yourself an 11% increase.
Great stuff Glenn! Make sure you 'take in' every second of the flight, as 30 minutes can go very quickly! And of course, get loads of pics - everything from pre-flight walk around, to detail shots and aerial views! And we want one of you in full, WW2 flight gear !

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