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Prepaprations for my first ever trip to Greenland to visit my biological family for two weeks in august, and we're all - danish family, greenlandic family, me - happy and eager about this.
I haven't got butterflies in my stomach - it's the whole goddamned zoo having a party stampede in there!!! :D
Plane tickets bought, hotels and lodge booked and paid for, I bought a new suitcase and a carry on today, and I have had my passport renewed and holiday approved of at all the right offices here, there and everywhere...*happy sigh*

I'll have to stay one night on Illulisaat before I fly to Upernavik the day after, there's no flights to Upernavik that day. And it's the same when I go back home.
The lady at the travel agency was kind enough to get me a hotel room in Illulisat, with a panoramic view of the icy fiord - and I get my own hut in Upernavik. *rubs hands*
I sure as hell hope that this is going to be good. ;)
And no matter how this goes, I'm definitely happy that I get the chance to meet my biological mother and older brother at least this once. :)
Because going to Greenland costs a fortune, it is highly possible that I won't be able to afford a trip like this ever again.
So I'm just happy that I get to go this one time, visit my family - and get to see the country where I was born, meet the people that I come from, and experience the fantastic nature up there.

And don't worry guys, once I do get back home, I'll most likely photo-flood my piccy thread in here with pics from the trip. :D

So - if I don't write much in here for the next few weeks, now you know why. ;)

And to add to all the goodness happening, my boss is incredibly happy with me and my work, he wants to fight to keep me in my current job as a photographer - which I love. ;)
He would very much like to expand my work by working to make me a photographer for the county institutions here, that gives me hope for the first time in many years. :)
He's a man with connections and tons of new ideas that he actually manages to implement at the place where he's boss, meaning that he actually put action behind his words.
And he does this, simply because he can see that photography is my passion, it is what I love to do.

Here's to hope! *toasts in orange soda* :D
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Congrats, Maria, both on the trip and the boss giving you credit for your hard work!

Sounds incredibly awesome to be able to make a trip like that to Greenland and while you're there, be sure to grabs some shots of the Aurora!
Can't top Maria.............

but I am outta my sling....... but my arm still pains a little. And my back hurts from walking upright and not sitting on my boney arse for the last six weeks!
Maria that is awesome on both counts. Enjoy your reunion trip and fingers crossed for you revitalised career.
Will probably have to leave looking at your picks though until after my extended hols which start at the end of August.
Can't top Maria.............

but I am outta my sling....... but my arm still pains a little. And my back hurts from walking upright and not sitting on my boney arse for the last six weeks!

Good to hear Bill, but still take it easy mate, no practicing your golf swing!

nice one Maria.

well i got moved house ok, happy to report no damage to any of my built models, but thank god its over, hate moving house

Good to know your model packing stack worked Karl and like you, I think moving sucks!

As for my day, it's a crisp frosty and misty morning but when the sun comes out it will be a cracker of a day.
Good stuff Karl, and congrats Bill. And Maria - that's just fantastic! Oh, and there should be something on the way to you, from me, with thanks to, and via, my friend Derek in Hedehusene .......

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