What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Thank you John.

No room for the weight of a camera even if village bars do have wifi these days. I will even have to leave my beloved Buffalo sleeping bags at home after 30 years of service. Too heavy and bulky.

At least I won't have to lug 11lb of a Kings Musket/bayonet and 60 rounds of .75" ammunition like Wellington's ruffians.
I admire your journey... you could post pictures of your adventures.
Agreed, you should post some if you're able!

Living off the land is the best plan, as you say all successful armies did that.
John, seriously...you think it's a good idea for him to be running off with people's pigs and sheep with the occasional foraging through someone's wine cellar?

And as for me, I just turned in my wheelchair today...I've been "walking" for about two weeks now (walking, as in not using a wheelchair, but moving slowly with a cane)...been 5 months almost to the day, so this is certainly an improvement
Dave, Thats been a long 5 months I bet... But, I'm glad to hear that you are up and about (ish).
I have every faith that John, armed with his black powder rifle would eat well off the land, what more do you need? A rifle,ammo, a billy can and fag lighter.
If John were to accidentally shoot a Spaniard or 3 enroute, then that would be just deserts for the insults delivered against Blighty.
Good news Karl!

Well, first week of second year done, nice easy one to start off with.

Also got the news that I'm going to The Gambia for 2 weeks just before Christmas during one of my placements. Going to be really interesting to work in the medical system over there for that short period of time.

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