What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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Well, the team was new to the comp and in this case, not very experienced!
I was still shocked at the score though...74 to 3 and I rotated my best players off to give the less experienced players more court time!
I know how they must have felt as I've had teams in the past that have lost by more than that.
This game was counter balanced by my U/16 team's loss 21 to 71!! My u/16 team is not bad mind you but first time in the grade from U/14 playing bigger, faster and more experienced 16 year olds!!!
I'm sure you'll enjoy it - I'm jealous. I'm dying to replace this 3+ year old laptop... perhaps when I return from Iraq if the wife doesn't spend all the extra money
heinz for coming up with my sig, evangilder for getting it on my posts
also my son harrison smiling at me when i got him up at 07.30 for his breakfast and his bath before he is off to nursery.
pic of H piloting his fighter


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Bought the book "Luchtoorlog boven Nederland, 10 mei 1940" (Airwar over the Netherlands, may 10th 1940). It's an old book and one of the few good accounts on what happened to the LVA. I'll really enjoy reading it.

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