What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Back from my trip... Oh boy, what an adventure. Still trying to overcome the effects of jet lag. About 11 hours worth or time difference. ie... 2pm here to 1 am the next day there. Now I'm working on preparing for the maintenance competition in Vegas. Here is the link to the competition for those interested. Aerospace Maintenance Competition | Register Today!

I'm on the Aviation Institute of Maintenance Team.
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So I've been picked as one of 3 speakers at a seminar in April - pretty cool. For this I have to make not one but 2 Powerpoint presentations. My problem is that my PC is so old that I have no Powerpoint program or even a word program - in fact my machine is so busted up I can't even install new programs. oh well.......

Anyway, I went over to another of the guys who are speaking to work on the presentation and we get to talking and he gives me an offer. His PC is brand new, bought because his wife wanted one that was touch screen. So he bought her one even though his current one is only 2 years old and nothing wrong with it. SO HE GAVE IT TO ME!!!!!!

I've been playing with it all day. Freakin' having fun and finally being able to do some things again!!!
Lady at work last night asked if the chicken liver pate was suitable for a dairy free diet ?
No I said it is made with lots of butter.
Oh that will be ok she says it's just eggs that make me I'll !
No there are no cow's eggs in the recipe I told her !

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