What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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i thought the clutch on my car was knackered but the fluids just needed topping up but why do manufacturers put the things you can do yourself inthe most awkward places the resovoir for clutcth fluid was tucked tight under the engine bulkhead i had to bend a funnel 2 ways to get it in !
Found out that my Supervisor has been promoted to Manager which leaves his position technically open. And as I have been paid out-of-title pay (for about 8 years!) as Supervisor on the days he's not at work (we work 10 hrs for 4 days - all week) I'm next in line for the position. Gonna see how this plays out but I have a few tricks up my sleeve to get the job if it isn't offered.
Found out that my Supervisor has been promoted to Manager which leaves his position technically open. I'm next in line for the position. Gonna see how this plays out but I have a few tricks up my sleeve to get the job if it isn't offered.

Pa-leeeze..... get off your knees !!!! And good luck....

Excellent Wayne. Me, productive day at work, and a nice evening at home with the wife and oldest son watching an "adult" movie [don't even go there]. We are going to watch Seven. Youngest boy is playing with his Buds in a Pizza and Movie (Chipmunks) night.
My son Aaron, had heaps of trouble with his Xbox, chipped it to play other games so couldn't return it, ended up buying another one...

Aaron is about an hour away from his interview for an Assistant Managers position at Electronic Boutique or EB Games, been a casual for 18 months now, and been moving up the ladder, my fingers are crossed for him!

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