What Cheered You Up Today?

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sunny day out shooting !
pheasant out of season but it was stood in front of me what could i do ?
also saw a bea hawk, a tucano and 2 f16's all at very low level the f16's were flying very close together


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They thought I might have had a small stroke very early in the am, spent the day in the ER doing all those test couldn't find anything and it's now alost 5:30 in the afternoon, I'm home in my chair watching the Nationals game with my wife next to me in my apartment posting to you guys, home and normal routine never ever felt so good and I am so thankful to still be here.
Sometimes I may not write much but when I'm away from you guys I sure miss this site, but most of all it's no sh*t, there's no place like home!
Art in DC
Thnaks guys. The wife's ben through pure hells with these health ptoblems the last few years. Shes the hero here and the rock. There will be roses on her desk somehow today.
I still in a drug induced haze but I'm am here.
You guys all go and have a great April fools day!
I'm going to put on some quiet music and left this crapt in my systems leach out a little more and just sleep!
Have a great day
Art in DC
My favourite harbinger of spring after being cooped up for the winter , had my own personal airshow , Rick Volker does his practice rountine at the field today I was the only one watching , it amazes me that cars don't stop and watch but the little kids must be glued to the DVD or some such. These were taken by my little 5.1 pos and am pleased .


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Build changed some window casings of the house today and it went allright. Only problem is that my computer is wrapped up in plastics agains the dust of all building activities, so I'm not able to attend to the forum that much. Ah well as Arnie sais: I'll be back

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