What Cheered You Up Today?

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The cheated then or is the refuelling plane allowed ? Not sure on the rules for these.
Except for sandwiches no refeuling.

Here you see them cheat.

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The Black pump IS diesel.

Oh, and the 49ers play tomorrow..........
Danial is back in car #3 at COA tomorrow.
Hopefully I wake up to see both.
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In addition to a small but baffling oil leak, my airplane also developed a strong pull to the Left when braking. I first was very surprised to find the Left tire to be very low on air pressure, but yesterday I found that correcting that did not help the Left pull. So I I reverse bled both brakes, removed the Left side pads, cleaned everything, and reinstalled it all. Then I took the Right pads off, and having found no indications of what caused the problem, asked my mechanic for advice. He suggested that I swap the Left and Right pads and see what that does, and I did so. Today I found that the Left pull is gone entirely and there is now a very slight Right pull that is no problem. I still do not know what caused the original problem but it is fixed, if not explained.

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