What Cheered You Up Today?

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Not that I needed cheering up today, but I when I was walking my dogs on the beach near Sligo airport, I got a free display from a lovely little red Pitts Special, loops, rolls, low passes, the lot! And i had no camera with me! Lovely sound out of it too
Well, 6 months and 19,000 words later I have officially finished the written section of my final year dissertation. Now to make an A1 poster and do a talk and its finally complete.

I lied a little Made some additions in the last week or so and finally printed off the final copy and got it bound ready for submitting. Totals out at 21,000 words (of which 19,500 is the written section the rest is appendixes). Quite satisfying to see the completed article. Now just to go finish the other parts but this was the main (75%) section so feels good to have the load of it off me.
Hell yeah! Not only am I going to be seeing Metallica next weekend in Stuttgart, and then again in Oberhausen a week later and then on July 4th for a 3rd time...

I will also be meeting Metallica in Oberhausen. I received backstage passes from the fan club!!!
Just made camping reservations to my favorite State Park for the coming weekend. No one else wants to come along so I'll be all by myself. Which is fine, no planning around anyone elses schedule. A weekend of scouting for Turkeys for the end of the month hunt, hiking the State Park, looking for Morel Mushrooms, and maybe casting a Fly for some Trout if time permits.
2 days away from the rat race should do me good.

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