What Cheered You Up Today?

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I got a phone call from a recruiting agency yesterday, apparently someone wants to offer me a job!

It'll take a lot to get me to move though.
Firstly finished my last exam of three today. Think all of them went well but we will wait and see. Was satisfying as I had successfully managed to predict the questions that would come in all the exams and thus making them easier :D. Now got until the end of September until more class and my final semester. Bit annoying I am no graduating now because of going away to South Africa last year but I am very pleased I did so I have no regrets.

Secondly got an interview for a job for the summer next week (Village Orderly :rolleyes: but money is money).

Now time for the pub and a good German beer.
4 days of Wild Turkey hunting in Southeast Minnesota starts @ 5:00 P.M. tonight!!!! Looks like rain for setting the tent up once again though, will be the 4th time camping this year and so far every time I've set up the tent is has rained during the process.
Got my plane tickets for New Zealand! Going on the 23rd November via Dubai and Bangkok and should be staying for a year. It's going to be awesome and unlike anything I've ever done before.

Now to sit around and wait 6 months and 2 days.................
Got my plane tickets for New Zealand! Going on the 23rd November via Dubai and Bangkok and should be staying for a year. It's going to be awesome and unlike anything I've ever done before.

Now to sit around and wait 6 months and 2 days.................

Cool! Where ya heading to? south island ,north island or south south island?

Saw a flight of four (F-15's I believe) streak over my house. Pretty cool.

Your so lucky having an Air Force mate - having never seen an F-15 before I can only imagine it is cool

Former prime minister helen clark (lower case letters on purpose -she does not deserve upper case) took the AF out of RNZAF
Started running again today. Havent run for over 10 weeks so am out of condition and put back all the weight I lost, but ya know what ?..... I got a kick out out of my little run today and am looking forward to another run tommorrow.

Yeah, pretty cool. I think there's an AF base in Chicopee, Mass, called Westover. It's about a 40 mile drive from where I live, so I'm guessing it's a five minute flight for the flyboys.
I think they were F-15's, don't know for certain.
Sucks your Prime Minister disbanded your AF, do you know what they flew before?

Yeah, pretty cool. I think there's an AF base in Chicopee, Mass, called Westover. It's about a 40 mile drive from where I live, so I'm guessing it's a five minute flight for the flyboys.
I think they were F-15's, don't know for certain.
Sucks your Prime Minister disbanded your AF, do you know what they flew before?

(try not to laugh to hard) We had A4K Skyhawks as 'Strike aircraft' and aeromacchi's as trainers -pisses me off everyone acts like were still using them

Well we have a year so pretty much everywhere! Will be staying in Nelson for a part of it though. Any good warbird related places to visit?

Awesome! Theres a few places to check out -MOTAT in Auckland (I'm going up later this year) They're got a RNZAF Sunderland ,TEAL Solent ,RNZAF Hudson Ventura -also a Mosquito (don't know if its RNZAf or not) among many other nice birds

Hood aerodrome at Masterton (I think) has the only flying RNZAF F4U-1D Corsair in american colours (theres been talk on it been put back in RNZAF livery 8) ) also a P-40 also flying

Few museums round the place heading further south -just out of Nelson theres a guy with a Hudson ,Mosquito ,2 P-40's ,P-51 ,Tiger moth ,Vampire plus many other goodies all to himself -the problem is as you can imagine -he doesn't really like people (espicially hates the RNZAF and has good reason too) so getting in there is fairl difficult -I've never been myself but would love to

About 100km's east in Blenheim they have a GREAT museum "Knights of the Sky" many many many WWI birds most in dioramas -been there last year -must visit very cool place

Further south theres Christchurch -Wigram and the RNZAF museum ,the airfield has recently been closed infavour of housing (F$%*%$ $%^^#$%^) but they have a pretty cool museum with Harvard ,Tigermoth ,Vampire , Skyhawk , Dc-3 ,Spitfire ,Avenger , Mustang ,Hudson -plus its now free! The tour which is a small fee includes an Anson and P-40 restoration plus a few interesting bits and bobs

Another place in Christchurch is Ferrymead -Vickers Viscount -C-47 -Restoring projects include a Hudson ,Vampire ,Harvard ,quite a few helicopters -Mosquito ,which I helped install a water pump on its right Merlin today .I could take you on a wee tour of the place if you came along on the right day

Further south theres Wanaka -the home of WOW -Warbirds over Wanaka -easter next year is the next airshow but at the airfield itself they have a twin seat Mig-21 ,lockheed lodestar ,Hurricane (only Battle of France surviver thats flying I believe) La-9 (Russian bird -sounds awesome) Tiger moth , P-51 few other things

Yeah thats about it for a short summary -also theres a Corsair on the west coast of the south island which I'm keeping an eye out for -if you see anything let me know :lol:
The Bulls won their Super 14 semi-final against the Crusaders 36-23, one of the best games of rugby I have watched. Also approached the local gallery and they said they would be interested in displaying some of my pictures and seeing if they sell or not which will be good if it can get me some money.
Roaming: Don't worry, I'm not laughing. I'm just confused as to why you government would disband your AF. At least they should keep a few squadrons of interceptors up and running.

Because they can't spend money properly -yes they're ****** (although there are some good people -obviously not enough)

The Bulls won their Super 14 semi-final against the Crusaders 36-23, one of the best games of rugby I have watched. Also approached the local gallery and they said they would be interested in displaying some of my pictures and seeing if they sell or not which will be good if it can get me some money.

Wow we lost :shock: what a shame

Good luck with those photos mate
Had a great weekend so far. Took Friday off from work to go and see AC/DC at an Open Air concert with 90,000 other people in Hockenheim, Germany. Then yesterday we had a grill party in our garden till about 2 in the morning.

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