What Cheered You Up Today?

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(try not to laugh to hard)Awesome! Theres a few places to check out -MOTAT in Auckland (I'm going up later this year) They're got a RNZAF Sunderland ,TEAL Solent ,RNZAF Hudson Ventura -also a Mosquito (don't know if its RNZAf or not) among many other nice birds

Hood aerodrome at Masterton (I think) has the only flying RNZAF F4U-1D Corsair in american colours (theres been talk on it been put back in RNZAF livery 8) ) also a P-40 also flying

Few museums round the place heading further south -just out of Nelson theres a guy with a Hudson ,Mosquito ,2 P-40's ,P-51 ,Tiger moth ,Vampire plus many other goodies all to himself -the problem is as you can imagine -he doesn't really like people (espicially hates the RNZAF and has good reason too) so getting in there is fairl difficult -I've never been myself but would love to

About 100km's east in Blenheim they have a GREAT museum "Knights of the Sky" many many many WWI birds most in dioramas -been there last year -must visit very cool place

Further south theres Christchurch -Wigram and the RNZAF museum ,the airfield has recently been closed infavour of housing (F$%*%$ $%^^#$%^) but they have a pretty cool museum with Harvard ,Tigermoth ,Vampire , Skyhawk , Dc-3 ,Spitfire ,Avenger , Mustang ,Hudson -plus its now free! The tour which is a small fee includes an Anson and P-40 restoration plus a few interesting bits and bobs

Another place in Christchurch is Ferrymead -Vickers Viscount -C-47 -Restoring projects include a Hudson ,Vampire ,Harvard ,quite a few helicopters -Mosquito ,which I helped install a water pump on its right Merlin today .I could take you on a wee tour of the place if you came along on the right day

Further south theres Wanaka -the home of WOW -Warbirds over Wanaka -easter next year is the next airshow but at the airfield itself they have a twin seat Mig-21 ,lockheed lodestar ,Hurricane (only Battle of France surviver thats flying I believe) La-9 (Russian bird -sounds awesome) Tiger moth , P-51 few other things

Yeah thats about it for a short summary -also theres a Corsair on the west coast of the south island which I'm keeping an eye out for -if you see anything let me know :lol:

Excellent stuff, may have to take you up on the guided tour option!

My story for today inv0olves being out and about in the work car. Went round a corner to find another car on the wrong side of the road coming straight for me! Hit the brakes hard and just stopped in time. Didn't think much more of it as there are plenty of idiots on the roads but about 10 minutes later I went back by the same road. A few corners later I find the exact same car embedded sideways on in a line of parked cars and police everywhere!

Long story short the guy that nearly hit me was drunk and in a stolen car. He lost control, took out 3 parked cars before running away. Luckily someone saw what happened and followed the driver who had gone straight to the local pub. He is now sobering up in a cell and luckily no one was hurt. Still, if I had been in my Datsun as I normally would there's no way I would of stopped in time so I may not have been typing this. Yikes!
Got a book cheaply that I didn't even know existed:
Jack Higgins: The Eagle Has Flown - a sorta part 2 of The Eagle Has Landed.
Plus I found a brasilian website about the german Luftwaffe of WW2. Nice. :)

Also discovered this site/blog about an argentinian [sic?] book about Adolf Galland:

And some typical women things:
Found a nice corset-like summer top and a nice purple shirt cheaply as well. :)
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I found a new playground today...in the form of a river 40 minutes from my door...the Salt River.

I miss my favorite places in Colorado like Hanging Lake, Harvey Gap...used to tie my knife to my belt, slip a swimsuit under my clothes, grab a book and run to Harvey Gap to read, explore, and jump in the water. Ever since I moved to AZ, I've been trying to find some new haunts.

The Salt River looks fun...water, rapids, trees...excited to get a day pass and explore.
OK, I might not use the phrase "cheer me up" for this one, but it did crack me and my coworkers up.

When I was working at the restaurant tonight, I saw the hostess lead two elderly couples to my table. Not to be mean to the elderly group--you have my upmost respect--however, they have a terrible reputation for being rude to their servers, find ingenius ways to get a cheap dinner,still tip 10% for great service, and can't hear 3/4 of what we try to say.

I went over to the table and enthusiastically said, "Hi, my name is Brigit, I'll be taking care of you." One of the men, the oldest, looked at all the others and then shook his head. After offering a martini or margarita, I left the table. I was halfway across the restaurant when I heard someone calling, "Frigid! Oh, Frigid!"

I turned around--lo and behold, the gentleman is calling me frigid in front of the whole restaurant. After declining to offer him a new hearing aid, I took his order--and tolerated being frequently called frigid for the rest of the night.
The weekend is nearly here. Going to hit the archery range with the Longbow after work. Going to a Traditional Archery 3D shoot tomorrow to pick up my new custom Longbow that is a replacement for the one that blew up in my hands a couple weeks ago. After shooting I am going to stop at the Leinenkugel Brewing Co. and take the tour and get some free Beer samples.
Going to break out the Barbeque/Smoker also and make up a batch a smoker Pork ribs or something else that's really bad for my Cholesterol and diet.
Finally weekend! Going to relax this week with hopefully good weather. Next week will be hectic since it is Rock im Park weekend.
How many men can get away with calling a woman frigid in a public restaurant?

Btw, Sabrina. Where do you hale from-That is an interesting spelling for your name. My mother was named Bergetta.
How many men can get away with calling a woman frigid in a public restaurant?

Btw, Sabrina. Where do you hale from-That is an interesting spelling for your name. My mother was named Bergetta.

I'm American with Irish, Italian, and English ancestry and my name is the traditional Irish spelling of the goddess Brigit. The name Brigit itself means "fiery arrow" and my last name means "white fortress". :)

I've seen Bergetta in Irish and Icelandic tales...what nationality is it really?
The CWH Lanc is flying apparently the prop issue is solved , it did a few circuits over the Falls today its a nice touch but I wish the alternate it with the Canso which does its flights over Toronto. Wish I could afford a DSLR


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Sabrina, I can totally relate. Was in retail for 10 years (bleah), and had people who swore my name was Chuck or Curt or something (its Kirk, BTW). That, and they'd expect me to remember exactly what I sold them three years ago...

Went to lunch with the wife and kiddo today, at Logan's Steakhouse. We sit down, and I'm just kinda glancing around the area (no...not scoping out the chicks....well...not much), when I notice an older gentleman with a Navy-blue ballcap. It takes me awhile to make out what it said (he was several tables away), but turns out he was on LST's at Omaha Beach during the Normandy invasion. As they were leaving, they passed by my table, and I managed to drag out some courage and talked to him a bit. Man, that was frikkin COOL!!!

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