What Cheered You Up Today?

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Happy Birthday Maestro!

What cheered me up today. The English cricket reversed the really embarrassing defeat by the Netherlands in the World Twenty20 by comprehensibly beating Pakistan thus not going out in the first round. Now be interesting to see if the Netherlands can beat the Pakistani's on Tuesday now that would be good to see :D
Happy Birthday, Maestro! And don't worry about the age. I'm approaching the half Century mark and still haven't published a book!
Happy Birthday Maestro!

What cheered me up today. The English cricket reversed the really embarrassing defeat by the Netherlands in the World Twenty20 by comprehensibly beating Pakistan thus not going out in the first round. Now be interesting to see if the Netherlands can beat the Pakistani's on Tuesday now that would be good to see :D

When I was in Scotland, I watched cricket for several hours. I honestly still have no idea what the heck was going on.
Don't know if any of you know this little booklet (- you prolly already do), but here's the links:

Stumbled upon this little german shooting guide anno 1944, called: "Horrido - Des Jägers Schiessfibel":
RaFiGer's kleine Schiessfibel

There's an english language version here:
Air Fronts Weapon Training: Gunsights - German Revi

Anyway, that made my day. :)

:shock: I have to admit, the explanation about deflection angles was rather unique- :lol:
:shock: I have to admit, the explanation about deflection angles was rather unique- :lol:

Well I guess they'd use anything and any teaching angle to make a young man pay attention back then, and my guess - judging from the general culture back then - is that those drawings would do the trick. :lol:
Anyway, I think the drawings are pretty funny. :)
Tis Friday once again, just got paid and have no major plans for the weekend. May head to the Mpls Airport to see a B-17 flying in to give rides and then over to Historic Fort Snelling in St. Paul, MN. for thier Annual WWII weekend with re-inactors, weapons demonstrations, etc...
Then make break out a nice piece of pork or Beef Brisket and throw it on the smoker for some home cooked BBQ.
Finished successfully mounting/connecting three LCD monitors to a PC (distances 85', 125', and 225'....VGA cable is heavy at those lengths!). On my way from that site to another site, I noticed another plane flying by....not a big deal, really...until I noticed the outline. It was a B-24! It banked and did a tight loop around, flying directly over me at one point. Dunno what his altitude was, but those engines were nice! Could hear the rumble over the roar of my AC. He then headed east again...probably towards Cavanaugh, if he's staying in the area.
Big Traditional 3D Archery shoot at the local Archery Club is this weekend. Been anxiously awaiting this all spring. Weather is going to be in the upper 80's so it will be a sweaty affair. Looking forward to improving on last years score (hopefully) and trying out a bunch of different Longbows and Recurves, and try to refrain from buying another bow;)
Looks like there will be someone there throwing arial targets up in the air for people to shoot at, that should be fun.
On the downside, all the guys I usually shoot with have wimped out on me and are not going so I'll either be shooting alonne e or hoping I run into someone I know at the range and shooting with them. Usually if you are seen shooting alone another group of archers invites you to shoot with them. Twice as much fun shooting with others, have met a lot of great people that way.
Going to the physiotherapist to get my sciatica treated today - and feeling like a new (- albeit thoroughly kneaded, poked, yanked and wringed! :lol: ) woman afterwards. :lol:
Oh, and going to the (O! the Horror!) dentist the other day to get that much dreaded root canal treatment over and done with. Go me! :lol:
Going to the physiotherapist to get my sciatica treated today - and feeling like a new (- albeit thoroughly kneaded, poked, yanked and wringed! :lol: ) woman afterwards. :lol:
Oh, and going to the (O! the Horror!) dentist the other day to get that much dreaded root canal treatment over and done with. Go me! :lol:

Sounds like a fun week:shock:
My favorite thing is is when the Doctor, Nurse, sadomasicist Health Practitioner says "You might feel this a little" just before putting you into the most pain you've ever felt in your life.
Hehe, I know what you mean. I was born a toe-walker, so I had a heel cord lengthening procedure to correct it. Before I had it, the Doc told me mos kids walk out of the hospital, that day, and it wouldn't hurt a bit! As little elementary school kid I believed him, but should have known better. The procedure entails cutting two slits in each achilles and stretching them so your heel touches the ground. They then put a cast on each leg to hold your foot in the right position so it heals properly. Needless to say, it hurt like Hell as soon as I tried stepping on it, probably second worse pain in my life. I wasn't pleased with the Doc then...

It worked though, and it's the second most useful (but painful) thing I've ever had done.

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