What Cheered You Up Today?

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Repaired my truck for only $25 last night. Now the remote locks work again after nealry three years and I can open the drivers door from the inside without having to roll the windows down and reaching for the outside handle (this part just happed the other day.
No more worrying about the lock and windows freezing in the winter and having to get into my truck via the passenger door.
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I have had a VERY lazy day today...I stayed in bed most of the day, and I finally got up around 6 0'clock this evening.
Then it was time for something to eat, and now it's time for some R&R on the balcony - coffee and a good book.


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Actually took off 5 pounds in the last week. Been putting in 2 hours hike at about 3.5-4 MPH average speed all week. Hope to drop 15 more pounds in the next 5 weeks before I go to Colorado. Legs are feeling a bit rubbery today though. Going to take an easier hike this evening. Probably not though, once I get going I tend to not slow down!
Thanks, the only problem is I am up 40#'s over last year at this time due to a nagging injury that has prevented me from exercising consistantly. Hope to have it whipped now and loose that weight in the coming months!!!
Here ya on the Hospital visits B-17, been there myself to have parts put back where they rightfully belong!
Good luck fishing, are you fishing in the Ocean or freshwater?
Spotted 7 shooting stars tonight. You're already lucky when you spot one shooting star, but seven in the same night... I think I got to buy myself a lottery ticket !

You were seeing the Perseid Meteor Shower. It's was supposed to be at it's peak last night and from what I've read was supposed to be more visible meteors than in years past. Biggest problem I have is living in the city where the bright lights drown out being able to see them.
I'm going in the Atlantic Ocean!! hehehe and In total from my various hospital visits I've gotten 60 stitches (2 Visits, 48 at one and 12 at the other) 4 broken bones(Arm x2, Hand, and 4 fingers on one hand), Concussion, Really bad Dehydration, and Dislocated my collar bone from being pushed down the stairs by my older brother when I was 5
Going to the Worker's Museum in Copenhagen today, and finding old ads as post cards, plus a lot of old socialist propaganda from the 40's and 50's, among other things a huge statue of Lenin! Fun to watch, though.
Afterwards we all had a splendid lunch at Restaurant Ankara in the heart of Copenhagen - delicious meal, good company, fine weather - nice!
Walked from one end of Cph to the other through the old pedestrian street Strøget and gawked at other people, shooting with my camera and generally having a good time.
Went home and relaxed, only to get picked up by motorcycle buddy Jørn a few hours later.
Went to Jægerspris north of Copenhagen and had a few hot dogs and ice cream cones, and then we went on to Kulhuse further north, where Jørn went for a swim while I had coffee.
Sat and talked, joked and laughed for the rest of the evening, and then we went home by the small, curvy roads in the dark - a very nice way to end the week.
Wonderful day.
That's great Wayne.

My nice thing today was that a friend is moving (not so good), and she cleaned out old stuff.
She found her old quality leather biker suit which she isn't going to use anymore, so she gave it to me.
It was very nice of her to think of me, and she got a HUGE hug and a very happy thank you very very much.
She said that it was thanks enough to give the suit a new home where she knows it will come to good use, but I'm seriously thinking about getting her something nice as a thanks - a huge box of choccies and whatever I can come up with, mabye some good quality coffee and such.

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