What Cheered You Up Today?

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Wheels.. :)

What cheered me up? You guys. Thanks for helping keep my spirits up in a fairly rough last year and a half or so... not out of the ditch yet, but working on it. Cheers! :D
After nearly two weeks of pain and hobbling I can finally almost walk normally on my bad ankle. Still taking it easy on it, but hope to be hiking again next week. Amazing how a couple days of just doing some simple stretched loosen up bad body parts. A week ago doing the stretched I'm doing right now was not possible. Now I just need to keep motivated and not get away from stretching and strengthening the muscles in my leg and ankle.
Today's totally blonde remark:

I was visiting a female friend, and we were having a lazy afternoon, slouching in her sofas, eating sandwiches and drinking coffee, relaxing together as only good friends can do it.
We were zapping though the danish teletext news on danish tv channel DR1 (Denmark's Radio), when we read the news that Walter Cronkite had died. We comment a little on that, and then continue the news zapping.
After a while we move on to danish channel TV2, and start reading the teletext news there as well, when we happen to read that Walter Cronkite had died, whereupon Friend 1 remarks in a totally surprised, slightly offhand, very lazy manner:
"What the...??? Has he died again???"
Both collapses in helpless heaps of laughter! :lol:
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I got to formate on a C206-the captain suggested we pull up next to him and wave, then break away...the guys in the 206 loved it and I must say that handling 7 tons of Beechcraft 1900 in such close proximity to another aircraft is a challenge...then to top it off I pulled us into a nice 80 degree angle of bank breakoff!:lol:
Going to the annual east-meets-west BMW Motorcycle Club Denmark coffee meeting on Fyn (Funen) with three friends, meeting up with a lot of BMW bike owners in Tommerup, talking bikes, riding bikes, discussing bikes, kicking tyres and telling tall tales, eating home made apple cake, drinking really good coffee, and generally having a darned good time! :lol:
436 km/271 miles - there and back again - with a small detour on the south of Fyn, dinner in Faaborg and only two short stops for the rest of the way home.
I am dog gone tired, sore, aching all over, ready to collapse and tuck in for tonight - and I'll be smiling broadly and happily in my sleep. :D

Only bummer of today?
Had one he** of a struggle with my ear plugs, also called "The Ear Plugs "Mein Kampf"", every time I took my helmet on/off! :lol:
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The Snowbirds flew over my house 4 times, and then 4 CF-18s flew over my house yesterday! I think we're on some sort of flight plan, as we've had F-18s buzz our house before and do acrobatics, as well as some USAF stuff fly over (A-10s, F-117s).

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