What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Kewl. Glad to know I wasn't the only one who walked away from that one disappointed. "Book of Eli" is a MUCH better post-apocalyptic movie.

I've been wanting to see "Eli..."

Local TV has been pretty good around here...

Yesterday watched "The Pledge". Directed by Sean Penn (who I can't stand) and starring - get this:
Jack Nicholson
Sam Sheppard
Mickey Rourke
Harry Dean Stanton
Benicio del Toro
Helen Mirren
Robin Wright
Vanessa Redgrave

The Pledge (2001)

Pretty good movie and I was surprised by Penn's camera work.

Then last night there was a movie that I was kinda interested in because of the Directors - the Coen brothers. D@mn! why haven't I watched this before!!!!

No Country for Old Men (2007)

"Fargo" goes to New Mexico!!!!
I have to admit, I thought the movie was prettygood. I was in a bad mood after having worked on the canopy of my B-10 all day so it helped to relax me. Tommy Lee Jones did a great job, but the guy that played the psycho-path was excellent!

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