What is your favorite WW2 movie (1 Viewer)

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 2, 2009
Vojvodina, Serbia
I don't know if there was similar thread already but anyway...

My favorite movies on WW2 are "Enemy at the Gates" and "Stalingrad", just to name the few. Out of the "older" titles my favorite is "Patton". George C. Scot was incredible in that movie.

There is also another interesting Czech movie - "Tmavomodry svet" (Dark Blue World) on Czech pilots in RAF service during Battle of Britain.

How about you guys?
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I'll agree with you on "Stalingrad" even if it was a bit long for one sitting. Also, I like "Saints and Soldiers", as well as "The Great Raid". For the older movies I'd have to say that "The Longest Day" and "A Bridge Too Far" take the cake for me. Oh and can't forget "Battle Of Britain" featuring REAL aircraft from both sides in dogfights (although admittedly the 109s are the Spanish version with different engine).
You are absolutely right about "Battle of Britain" movie. I can't believe I have forgotten about that one! #-o
It has special place in my collection.

"Bridge too far" is also excellent movie. Sean Connery was great in that one.
I'm a big fan of Memphis Belle, even if it gets a little on the sentimental side at times. I'm also fond of The Thin Red Line, but it's too long to watch too often...
I'd have to say "Enemy at the Gates" (despite historically inaccurate love-affair and Zeitzev's 'tender' side) and "The Great Raid". "Shindler's List" will always be at the top of any list about fav movies of mine. Older stuff....can't beat "Sahara" or "Bataan"!
Wow...tough call as far as a single favorite although "All Quiet on the Western Front" (both the 1930 and the 1979 release) would rank up there at the top...

As far as WWII goes, I'd say for a classic, I'll go with "Cross of Iron"

For a more recent work, I'll say "Flags of Our Fathers"

And for best war comedy, a total classic in every sense: "Kelly's Heros"!
The ones that are up there

"Battle of Britain"
"The Great Escape"
"Where Eagles Dare"
"The Eagle has Landed"
"Black book"

others to hard listing them all
U571 was the first war movie I ever saw at age 7, what a thriller! Saving pvt. Ryan was pretty good, and I love Band of Brothers even though thats a mini-series..
Only one movie stands out that I can watch time and time again...Kellys Heroes !

I have others like the Battle of Britain, Murphy's War and I wont even start mentioning all those brilliant John Wayne movies....

I'm not a fan of all these new re-releases of old classics like Pearl Harbour, because the CGI stuff is too clinical and doesnt look right. Having said that I do have the Memphis Belle (had to get that as with two sories under my belt in 'Forts, its a great reminder)

I do find a lot of the older fims fun to watch as has said previously, to spot the 'errors...usual stuff like White Half-tracks painted up with the German Cross, the 109's (Buchon's) pretending to be Hurricanes in certain clips in the Battle of Britain, the amazing ability for absolutely every aircraft ever built, that gets into trouble and start going down to sound exactly like a Stuka on it dive bomb run.

I am absolutely dreading the modern remake of The Dambusters. Some films should be left alone !
I am absolutely dreading the modern remake of The Dambusters. Some films should be left alone !

F##king oath mate

Yet another modern day f##k up :evil:

I heard Guy Gibson's dog is going to be called something ......:rolleyes:

Has the potential to be a good movie but I have very high doubts it will do Guy Gibson and his men proud


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