Your prayers

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 27, 2008
Hurst, Texas

Just got a call from Dad. Yep. From Dad himself. He sounded like crap, but basically said he's got two to four weeks. That's all they're givin him. The dialysis isn't working, he's too weak for a kidney transplant (I've got two, and could stand to lose the weight), and the cancer is too far-spread for any treatments available today to help even if he had TWO working kidneys, let alone one. He'd already made it clear that he did not want to go on life-support, and after asking the doctor (the head of the department there), found out that the dialysis machine is pretty much all that's keeping him going right now. He just simply doesn't have the energy or strength to keep up the treatments (Dad's stubborn...he doesn't just give up without exhausting all options), so he told them not to worry about it anymore. The hospice folks are coming to talk to them tomorrow. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get down there myself, but it will be soon.

Still, in all of this, God is still a God of miracles. Please don't stop praying!!!!

That was copy/pasted from another forum. I didn't feel like typing it again. Basically it all started about three months ago. Back in January he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. They removed his right kidney in Feb, there were "traces" of cancer in other areas. Apparently, the "traces" are a bit more serious than that. Dunno if the doctors were holding back (don't think they were...I've met them, and they're refreshingly straight-forward) or if my folks were just tryin to not worry us kids (that sounds more like Mom), but still....for those of y'all who pray, PLEASE....we could use them. For those who don't, then warm fuzzies or good thoughts or whatever you prefer. Thanks, y'allz.
our prayers are with you man..................God is in control I keep telling myself that. My own Father does not appear in good shape, they have found something mysterious on his lungs now as he fights pneumonia and is on a ventilator to stay alive afer quad-bypass heart surgery on the 8th.

life can be tough no doubt

head up
Still, in all of this, God is still a God of miracles. Please don't stop praying!!!!

Yes, God is a God of miracles....I will be praying for your father.:)
Crud RA! I'm so sorry you and your family is going through this. But I will keep the faith right along side you, brutha, and pray for a fantastic outcome!

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