Zaggs Ta 152H-0 - St./JG 301 'Orange' - and his attempts to keep things OOTB!

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In one way, its the first experiment for projects like the Verlinden/CMK/Aires sets I have for things like the Me262B-1a/U1, Fw190D-9, Ta152E-1 and my Fw190A-8/R11. In these cases, panels will be open, alloy codes will be seen and while in the case of things like gun and engine covers, the alloy codes are faded in most respects, it just adds a nice little something. Plus, who else do you know who 'collects' Luftwaffe Duralumin Manufacturer Code graphics? hahahaha
Hahahhaa, maybe I should get super obsessive about it and write a book "Duraluminum Codes and Markings of Third Reich Luftwaffe Aircraft"... That would be a scintilating read!
BTW Wayne, been slack with that second set of Werk Nummern Decals for you - havent gotten then done yet... Will try for the weekend
Well progress has been slow - discovered tonight that the Novascale Laser Decal film I've been printing onto is NOT tolerant of more than one or two passes through a printer. Thus, while doing Wayne's decals for him, I decided to fill up an entire sheet with his stuff and some more of my stuff! So the nights work comprises of half a Ta 152H wing root seam, Wayne's Ta 152H and Bf 109 decals (in 1:32nd), and for me some Ta 152H, Fw 190D-11, Me 262B-1a/U1, He 219A-0/A-2 and alloy codes in 1:48... Takes a long time to put together an accurate sheet - if ONLY I could print white, I'd go into business; this stuff is fun by me!

Anyway, must now sleep...

Oh and Wayne owes me BIG! hehehe

Got those decals yet Wayne??? And guess what I have just acquired? Another Ta 152H! Probably paid a little too much (the actual cost was a bargain, postage at $28 was a KILLER), but I have just acquired a Hasegawa/Dragon "Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1". This is one boxing I had NEVER heard of; as previously mentioned, people had told me that the Hasegawa "Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-1 'JG301'" kit never existed (despite my clear recollection of it back in the early-mid 1990's), but a 'combined' Hasegawa/Dragon release???

Either way, its another one for the collection... Just need Wayne to come through with one of his Trimaster Ta 152H's, and I'll be sweet!


since the Röte 2 am sure will have a strong feeling have you had the help in recreating a profile or more clear photos of the unit with Gruppenkommander Nölter in the foreground of II gruppe if this is indeed a H-0 variant, the question too is what is it doing on the field anyway with Dor 9's. from looking through the minimalistic approach of cancer meds to me my eyes see too bright red for 2 and 5 and the numerals should actually be a darker richer colour of red. this being a carry over from the heavy Fw 190A-8's of the III. Sturmgruppen of JG 301.

thoughts guys ?
You going to post some pics of 150168 when its done Wayne? Show of the first successes from 'Dans Decals'...
And in addition to above, I've just finsihed a completely new set of 1:32 Ta 152H (Late) Style Werk Nummern, fixing up some of the small issues with the better 1:48 sets out there and improving on the ones I did for Wayne - I'm thinking I might knock up some sets in both 1:32 and 1:48 and see if there is any sort of demand for this sort of thing...
Been slack in reporting, I know - assignments and exams of late; plus been distracted by a 'fact finding' build of an Eduard Fw 190D-11... Interesting kits - not really designed to be built 'all buttoned up'; ie hassles with the fuselage gun cover (took a lot of filing and test fitting to get that to sit flush) and the wing gun covers (what genius came up with THAT design) and the ailerons (had to shim the interior of the wing outer sections with 0.3mm card to 'thicken' them back out)... And my 'plan' of adding the radiato flaps AFTER attaching the cowling, was a bit ill conceived - makes that top join (which on the D-11 is NASTY, with sink-marks and seam hassles, etc) easy, but then getting the cowling flaps to join evenly was a bit ARGH!!!!

H-0 on the other hand, has gone fairly well. Need to replace the wing gun hinge-line somehow (might etch some copper strip up), but else all is progressing! Trailing edges have been filed down, certain panel lines are have been re-engraved (oh and I have some funky panel templates to scribe the last few access panels with) and most seams and flaws have been taken care of... Once thats sorted, I think its 1200 and 2000 grit time...

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