I collected the 'Ventura' serial number decals today, and got straight down to work applying them.
Just beautiful !
They're possibly the best decals of this type that I've ever worked with, in over 50 years of modelling. The carrier film either follows the shape of the character, or is very close to the edge, so there's no 'line' of the edge of the decal film when applied, and they go on quickly and smoothly, settling down very easily without the need for decal solutions.
Other work done today included masking and re-painting the red area of the tail fin, and filling in the missing leading edge portion, using a mix of red and Dark Earth to cover the bright red, and more closely match the Dull Red of the Xtradecal roundels. The upper wing roundels also had the red centers re-painted, and the under wing roundels had the chipped areas around the empty case ejector ports re-touched, using the same colour, and the blue re-touched and the 'circle' completed.
PIC 1 The fin flash masked and being painted, with the serial number decals also visible in this shot.
PIC 2. The masking removed to show the newly painted area, after a gloss clear coat, which is still wet in this photo. A tiny amount of re-touching is still to be done at the base of the fin flash.
PIC 3. All of the foil was successfully removed from the stencil decals, leaving a neat 'painted on' look, as can be seen in the 'bonding' stencil above the serial number. The 'Battery' decal was sourced from the spare decal files and, being around 30 years old, it was given a gloss clear coat before use, to prevent it breaking-up or dissolving on contact with water.
PIC 4. The re-painted red centers of the upper wing roundels, still drying.
PIC 5. The repaired and re-touched under-wing roundels, with the stencils, now sealed with a gloss clear coat, clearly visible.
Next step is to clean the model, then drill the jacking point under the tail, add the various pipes and tubes, and then spray the first clear matt coat.
However, there is a problem - a big problem.
The code letters are too big !!
I'd studied the photo of Stan's aircraft carefully, and although I had a sneaking feeling about the codes, I used the available '24 inch' items from Xtradecal, which, in theory, are the correct 'regulation' size for a fighter aircraft of this time period. Referring to the photo, I aligned the letters using the bottom of the canopy track as a datum, but once applied, something didn't look right. Even allowing for the (very) slightly under-size fuselage roundel (bigger than the kit decal examples), the letters still looked too tall.
Unfortunately, panel line detail in the photo of the aircraft is not that clear, but, following a search through many references, I noticed that the base of the letters on some (but not all) other unit's Spitfires was, indeed, slightly higher than the decals on the model, and I concluded that, in these instances, 21 inch letters must have been used !
I don't have any 1/32nd scale code letters in a scale 21 inch, and I don't know if they're available, but I do have some 1/48th scale codes which, although not exactly the required size, would have passed for 21 inch, and would have looked more like the codes in the photo of Stan's aircraft.
As all of the decals have been sealed under a coat of Humbrol 'Clear', there's not a lot I can do about this now, so I'll have to live with it. But I suppose that, unless the model is directly compared to the photo, the discrepancy will not be noticeable, as the codes are the 'regulation' size - but it's bl**dy annoying, none the less !
I hope to get the small additions done, and the first matt clear coat applied some time tomorrow, so i'll post more up-date photos then.