Achtung Mosquito!

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Anyhoo....since the etch was annoying me so much and I didn't agree with th superglue at hand, I put it away for now and started my other Mosquito, my BOAC machine.....

Here's what I've done so far, just need a bit of touch upo here and there... :oops:




Need to get the Vallejo Color to use for the finer details as the Air is too thin to brush....not too sure how to paint the receiver or transmitter on the left yet...have no color pics of in any of my books. :(
There'll be a few spare parts over from this one, guns, cannons, radar...etc, being unarmed...:lol:

Looking good Lucky but is the other Mossie a Tamy in 1/48?I love do that if it is?I mean bulid two or three kits of the same plane at once for all the pits are about the same.I have one such setup 3XP47's, 2XTamy's and an Academy kit all 70% complete.
Looking great Jan. Are you sure about the cockpit colour on that particular bird? Mossies were normally that pale, green/greyish British interior colour. BTW, the radio kit was basically black; if you need it, I can scan some colour pics of similar kit inside a Lancaster. Might even have one in a Mossie, somewhere!
Thanks fellas...!

Javlin, both my Mosquitos are Tamiya 1/48. Might try the new 1/48 Revell one later on whenever it's released....

Terry, you old chestnut... I'm not 100% sure about the interior colour. It's one chosen from FS and the IPMS Stockholm colour "chips" on their website, there's three different shades and I picked the one that Vallejo have in their Air series... And, any help is most appreciated, as always! :thumbleft:

Here's another two pics... See if you can noticed something, besides that instrument decals went AWOL when I didn't look...%$#$"*! Remember that this is a BOAC machine....:oops:


Jan: Lookin' good, Mate. About that interior color. Wojtek sent me a
bottle of RAF Interior Green, for my Spitfire. The bottle is buried in the
garage, behind about 20 hanging spider plants. I can't get to it.
Ask him what brand it is....

Well, to answer your question then Jan, the BOAC aircraft seems to have a reflector gunsight that it doesn't need! Going back to the interior colour; if the reference was from the IPMS Stockholm, they're usually pretty good. However, it could well be that the info they've posted is based on post-war Mossies, when many were re-painted internally, along with most types, in the cockpit areas, in semi-matt black. Quite a few reference photos appearing in books are of (relatively) current restored/museum aircraft with the later finish. That being so, the interior colour should be British Interior Green. Sorry mate, but it'll mean a re-paint, including the pilot's seat! I'll dig out the colour pics of the radio equipment and e-mail it/them to you soonest. BTW, check your e's, as I sent a bunch of stuff today!
What Ho, you old sausage!

I based it on their 1938-45 interior colors which shows FS: 34226, 34128, 34373 and 34227... I used the FS 34128which is Vallejo 71.014....
Indeed dear boy....! I don't think that the BOAC Mosquitos had much use for the reflector gunsight and I just @#$%*"#$% noticed it when I put up the pics! :oops:

Just checked the emails and sent you a quick reply old chap...

Tally Ho!
Lucky. Your posts are almost as colorful and artistic as your model making skills. Very impressed. :lol:
Just a quickie before I go to kip. A quick way to get near to the correct shade for the Interior Green, based on Humbrol Enamel colours, but pretty much the same in any range. Mix Matt White with Humbrol Dark Green No.30, with the white first, adding the green until it looks like a sort of Sage green, then, add just a spot of Matt Yellow. The green is the same as used for R.A.F. Dark Green camouflage. I know it's a bit of a 'thin' description, but I'll post a pic with this that hopefully will show some of it on one of my models; won't be brilliant, but should help a bit. I'll also find a good pic of my own with the actual colour, and e-mail it to you within the next couple of days.
Right, the pics show two slightly differing shades, one on the 1/32nd Spit Mk1 cockpit flap, the other on the 1/32nd Typhoon gun-bay covers. Anything near these, preferably a bit lighter for 1/48th scale, should suffice, as the actual colour DID vary. I've seen it these shades, and a paler, more green/grey shade, and even as light as 'Duck Egg Green'. The two Mossies I've been in were both different, and the bomb-bays and other 'deep' internal areas, where they would be free from fading and wear, had the original paint on them! One was the now lost TIII at Hawarden, the other the B35 that used to be at Strathallan, but went to Kermit Weeks in the 'States. I've got pics of the interior areas of the former, but they're on 35mm transparency, so can't scan them! Hope this helps old fruit!


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Crimenie I love that Typhoon, Airframes!!! And agree with 109 about the lettering. Brilliant!
I'll blame it on that the Mosquito is brand spanking new...:lol: I remember when painting all kinda interiors for the Swedish Airforce, Army and Navy where I worked before in Sweden, you could get paint that was supposed to be the same shade, but were not quite the same, just because they were from different batches....thinking "wtf?" :lol:

Mr Murphy is at work here....

Thanks for the great pics and info old bean...appreciated! And thanks fellas! :oops:

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