Bf 109E3 Yellow 15 3/JG52

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Cheers all
As to the colour I used RLM 02 lifecolour acrylic. I think it may be the lighting and the green of the cutting mat throwing it out.
Yep, I guessed it might be. More the lighting - especially if it's fluorescent. Just re-set the white balance on the camera, and it'll partially cure it. The wavelength of fluro tubes is an odd one to filter, more so on digital cameras, and gives a greenish colour cast.
Yep, I guessed it might be. More the lighting - especially if it's fluorescent. Just re-set the white balance on the camera, and it'll partially cure it. The wavelength of fluro tubes is an odd one to filter, more so on digital cameras, and gives a greenish colour cast.

HA! My camera has a fluorescent setting! :lol:
Yeah, it was slightly easier with film cameras, as you could use a filter over the lens. But digitals don't 'see' in the same way, and will record at least part of the colour transmitted by the filter itself - unless you buy a pro filter designed for your specific digital camera (DSLRs only), which costs around five times the price of traditional filters!
Put the thinking cap on ....tick tick tick.....and found it again!:D:D

Turns out it is the same as one of the pics in the Jagdwaffe BoB but a better quality much so I wonder if the leading edge of the wing is white?? or RLM 65 Lt. Blue!!

Source : Luftwaffe in Focus No.10


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most likely it is Lt. Blue...with the upper wing camo stopping short of the leading edge and the sum making it much brighter than it actually is?
..but white is still a possibility...
Cheers for the pic Wayne I have that on plus these two from The Classic modeling guide


Unfortunately they don't show the leading edge of the wing but I think I will go with the blue as looking at the pic you can just see the white tip on the portside wing and part of the leading edge which is slightly darker in tone.

I had a bit of a disaster last night and have to report that the Academy kit has been pretty much destroyed in a dogfight! A very foolish cat decided to come in through the bathroom window and was immediately chased by our two dogs straight into my modeling/computer room scattering everything to the floor. I came rushing in after half asleep trying to put a stop to the mayhem and felt lots of crunching underfoot. I managed to grab the cat and stuff it out the front door. Then went back upstairs and cleared up the worst of it. Not thinking I didn't take any pics but just dumped the remains in the bin and went back to bed. I still want to do this one so will get an Airfix 1/48 Bf 109 tomorrow and build it OOB.
Sorry to hear that Lewis. Are the dog and car still alive? I think they' have been 're-cycled' by now if it was me !
Not sure about this leading edge colour thing, which I'll be mentioning in the next 'BoB Bits' post. The Jagdwaffe books, and one other publication, state that some '109s had the underside colour wrapped around the leading edge. Now, I've seen it the other way around, with the upper surface colour wrapped around below, mostly 'feathered', but this 'underside colour' may be a light grey paint, the actual purpose of which has not been discovered. This is normally seen applied as a 'soft edged' line along the leading edge of the main planes only, possibly to diffuse the colour demarcation and soften the silhouette of the wing, and is lightly applied, also diffusing the warning stencil and lines on the slats.
This light grey has been mentioned in a number of publications from the 1980s, and I asked Walter, an ex - Luftwaffe friend about this. At the time, he was getting on in years, so was a bit vague with his memory. He flew '109s in 1940, until being shot down and injured, and transferred to other flying duties after recovery, then shot down again into the Channel, rescued, captured, and eventually married his English nurse after the war.
Although he couldn't give me any details as to why/how etc, he did recall a light grey misting on the leading edges of the wings of some '109s.
I'd say the colour in the above pics is not white - no reason to be - and could be RLM65, or this light grey. Note von Werra's kite is similar.
The plot thickens. Having studied the pic Wayne posted the lighter colour on the leading edge has a sharply defined edge which also appears on the leading edges of the tail so I think I will stick to the RLM 65. Meanwhile I have an old Monogram 1/48 Bf 109E that I can make a start on, just need to find a scheme to do it in.

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