Bf 109E3 Yellow 15 3/JG52

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RLM 65 went on a lot better this time around. A few minor touch ups to do here and there and it will be ready for the decals
I do have micro sol and set but is it still advisable to give it a coat or two of Future before putting the decals on?

Thanks for the advice Terry and the kind words everyone. Slapped a couple of coats of Future on last night and made a start on the decaling tonight.

Still need to do a few touch-ups ie. RLM65 on the underside of the tail and straighten up the white on the port side cowl before I get the rest of the decals sorted.
Thanks everyone. Have been having fun with the decals all the tiny detail ones over the last couple of days doing a few, letting them set then a few more. I managed to get them finished today almost without colourful language too! Also put the undercart and prop on.


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